

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
1112 한의과대학에서 통합교육의 효과적 수행을 위한 기본원칙 지규용 20231025 ~ 학회지
For the purpose of deducing efficient teaching program for the undergraduates of the Korean medicine college(KMC), details on the concept, goal, method, format and contents of integration are proposed for sharing consensus among members of instructors and students in KMC. The reorganization of the curriculum of KMC should be designed to reflect the trend of changes of the times that encompass scientific and convergent research on the micro and macro world. From the instructor's perspective, the task and aim of integrative curriculum is to explain the position and function of a theory or conceptual word that needs to be integrated among participating subjects, to clarify the reason and meaning used in other chapters or subjects, to explain the scientific mechanism and reinterprete them into Korean medicine theories counterwise, and so to establish specific correlation between the two. Focusing on learners, main curricular contents should be integrated effectively and consistently to be able to understand the human body's structure, function, disease, pattern diagnostics and therapeutics. And then the learners reversely have to be able to develop holistic insights and capabilities from the curriculum along the era of rapid medical technology. To carry out in action conclusively, discussion and agreement on the insightful guideline and effective implementation method of integrative education among members of instructors, learners and authorities are needed first.
1111 한의 생리학 실습 교육 현황 분석 및 개선 방향 제언 한상윤 20231025 ~ 학회지
In this study, I investigate, compare, and analyze the current status of Korean medicine physiology practice education operated by 12 Korean medicine colleges in Korea. I would like to suggest the direction of Korean medicine physiology practice education based on the data analysis results. I conducted a study by receiving data on practical education from the physiology departments of 12 Korean medicine colleges, and classified them based on the type of subject, class time, and learning contents. Korean medicine physiology practice was organized in the second year of premedical course and the first year of regular course like the physiology lectures. The class hours of Korean medicine physiology practice at each school were almost similar. Six schools conducted practical training as an individual subject, and six schools operated practical training as an integrated subject with physiology theory classes. There were significant differences in the learning contents of the 12 schools: 7 schools focused on Korean medicine practice, and 4 schools covered both Korean medicine and biomedical practice. In the future, it is necessary to develop and standardize diverse practice contents in Korean medicine physiology practice education. In addition, it will be necessary to produce practice textbooks for Korean medicine and develop evaluation tools. There is also a need to discuss the integration of practice as an integrated subject.
1110 어혈 진단 프로그램을 활용한 진단 실습 교육 만족도 연구 오용택,고미미, 김영은, 정지연 20231025 ~ 학회지
This study was conducted to search solutions to enhance the blood stasis diagnosis pattern differentiation program and improve the quality of Korean Medicine practice training courses by investigating student’s satisfaction using the web version blood stasis diagnosis program which is based on the previously developed blood stasis diagnosis questionnaire and adding criteria for choosing scales and pictures for additional information. During training courses for diagnosing blood stasis, students performed roles of being a doctor and a patient alternately by using the blood stasis diagnosis program as an educational material. Afterwards, students were to answer 11 questions in a Likert 5 scale questionnaire and a short-answer question to investigate the satisfaction of the blood stasis diagnosis program. The average value of 11 questions from the Likert 5 scale questionnaire resulted in a high level of 4.63. The highest ranking questions were questions asking 1) if the blood stasis diagnosis program is appropriate as an educational tool and 2) if the training course was satisfying using the blood stasis diagnosis program. Short-answer questions showed 78.9% positive feedback. Negative opinions such as the complexity of the questionnaire items and the need of additional criteria and visual material were included. The majority of students participating in the survey showed high satisfaction in the diagnosis practice training using the blood stasis diagnosis program. Based on the study, the blood stasis diagnosis program shows sufficient value for practical use if the program UI is improved and certain material is added.
1109 內部 六氣에 대한 생리적 이해와 현대적 접근 김병수 20231025 ~ 학회지
Six-qi theory is an important concept in Korean medicine. Traditionally, Six-qi theory has been used pathologically. However, it could be more valuable when applied from a physiological perspective. The external Six-qi theory is an analysis of the external environment such as the climate, but the internal Six-qi theory is an analysis of the internal environment of the human body. The internal environment of the human body is considered to be the condition of extracellular fluid (ECF). The internal Six-qi can be understood by the condition of extracellular fluid. In particular, among the internal Six-qi, cold-heat and dry-dampness are well reflected in the condition of extracellular fluid. In addition, analyzing the condition of the internal Six-qi through medical inquiry would be helpful in more practical clinical treatment. A questionnaire about cold and heat could determine the intensity of the body's metabolism, and a questionnaire about dryness and moisture could determine the level of body fluids in the body.