

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
9 초음파를 이용한 완관절 경혈의 연구 오명진, 문지현, 안태석 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Wrist joint is frequently affected by overuse and is a site with many acupuncture points effective for various diseases. It is an area where many important blood vessels and nerves are distributed in a relatively narrow space.
Ultrasound can identify the exact location of the acupuncture points and can implement structures that should not be damaged around the acupuncture points in the image, so it can serve as a tool to perform the procedure more accurately and safely.

Key word : Ultrasound, Wrist Joint, Acupuncture Point, Korean Medicine
8 초음파 진단기기를 활용한 대릉혈에서 정중신경까지의 깊 이에 관한 연구 류동훈, 현증호, 손영님 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Wrist joint is frequently affected by overuse and is a site with many acupuncture points effective for various diseases. It is an area where many important blood vessels and nerves are distributed in a relatively narrow space. Ultrasound can identify the exact ocation of the acupuncture points and can implement structures that should not be damaged around the acupuncture points in the image, so it can serve as a tool to perform the procedure more accurately and safely. The depth from the epidermis of PC7 to he median nerve under the carpal tunnel was measured using ultrasound images for 16 people. The average depth was 5.2 mm, the maximum was 6.8 mm, and the minimum was 4.0 mm. I think the more research data on acupuncture using ultrasound ages accumulates, the more helpful it will be for education as well as clinical trials of Korean medicine.

Key word : Daling, PC7, Ultrasound, Depth of Median Nerve
7 근골격계 질환의 MRI 진단과 한의학적 이해 신민섭 외 2021.03 ~ 학술대회
1. 두경부의 Normal MRI Anatomy 및 두경부질환의 MRI 진단
2. 견관절의 Normal MRI Anatomy 및 견관절 질환의 MRI 진단
3. 요추부의 Normal MRI Anatomy 및 요천추질환의 MRI 진단
4. 슬관절의 Normal MRI Anatomy 및 슬관절 질환의 MRI 진단
6 근골격계 질환의 X ray 진단과 한의학적 접근 최유민 외 2020.09.06 ~ 학술대회
X ray통한 근골격계 질환의 진단과 한의학적 이해

1. 두경부의 Normal X ray Anatomy 및 두경부질환의 X ray 진단
2. 견관절의 Normal X ray Anatomy 및 견관절 질환의 X ray 진단
3. 요추부의 Normal X ray Anatomy 및 요천추질환의 X ray 진단
4. 슬관절의 Normal X ray Anatomy 및 슬관절 질환의 X ray 진단