

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
53 탈모에 대한 고전 침자법의 응용 조현석 2019-07-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to compare the Therapeutic Methods of Acupuncture Treatment on Alopecia.
Methods : The current Oriental medical literature and traditional books related to Alopecia was researched.
Conclusions : There are many new articles of Oriental medical therapy on Alopecia and Scalp. Lots of therapeutic methods of Korean Medical manipulations are developed from the traditional acupuncture manipulations.
52 고전적, 현대적 얼굴 미인의 조건에 대한 望診的, 觀相的 고찰 이성환.조현석 2019-01-02 ~ 학회지
The humans has tried to investigate the fundamental relationship of all phenomena through the eyes. Physiognomy is the study which infers characteristics, constitutions, predictions of one person from his appearance. Inspection of Oriental Medicine is a one way of diagnosing by observing outer shape of patients. The study is about the relationship between the appearance and the organs and the spirit. A beauty is mental pleasure formed by five-sense information including visual information or super sensibilities. Barometers of Beautiful face have been changed according to history, cultural conventions and social status. Since remote antiquity, controversial expression of beautiful faces have been seen in the cutural products.
I investigate the various standards of beautifual faces in the Korean cultural, historical heritages and Korean modern female faces. And I compared the standards of beautiful faces with the basic theory of Physiognomy and the Oriental Medical inspection.
51 두피 탈모의 경락적 고찰 조현석 2019-01-02 ~
Object : I investigaed the link between the classification of Alopecia and the grouping of Meridian Muscle System on the Scalp.
Methods : We searched the current Oriental medical literature on the Meridian Muscle System and Medical literature on the Alopecia Classifications.
Conclusions :
1. C type, O type and U type Alopecia is related to the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian Muscle System.
2. C type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Bladder Meridian Muscle System, and O type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Governor Vessel, and U type Alopecia is extremely severe result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian Muscle System.
3. MO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Gallbladder Meridian Muscle System and CO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and bladder Meridian Muscle System.
50 고전침자법의 한방미용, 성형응용 조현석 2019-01-02 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to compare the present Oriental Medical Therapeutic Method on Dematology and Aesthetics with traditional acupuncture method.
Methods : We searched the current Oriental medical literature related to Dermatology and Aesthetics and compare the methods with the traditional methods.
Conclusions : There are many new articles of Korean medical therapy on Acne, Alopecia, Skin aging and Cosmetic surgery. Lots of therapeutic methods of Korean Medical cosmetic manipulations are developed from the traditional acupuncture manipulations.