

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
77 SMP를 위한 준비물 이성환 2023-07-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate preparation tools of tattoo.
Methods : I searched the current tattoo tools in the Webs.
Conclusions :
Tattoos originated as a means of expressing instincts such as pain, hunger, and sexual desire. It has developed not only as a means of expressing beauty, but also as a means of displaying one's status in the group to which one belongs. Tattoos have been practiced to complement human weakness and to express a new birth by being empowered by nature's primitiveness. To explore the culture of tattooing, we looked at tools for . Tattooing tools have a lot in common with acupuncture tools, which suggests the possibility of tattooing by Chinese medicine practitioners.
76 두피의 탈모유형과 경락, 경근과의 관계 조현석 2023-07-01 ~ 학회지
Object : I investigaed the link between the classification of Alopecia and the grouping of Meridian Muscle System on the Scalp.
Methods : We searched the current Oriental medical literature on the Meridian Muscle System
and Medical literature on the Alopecia Classifications.
Conclusions :
1. C type, O type and U type Alopecia is related to the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian
Muscle System.
2. C type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Bladder Meridian Muscle System, and O type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Governor Vessel, and U type Alopecia is extremely severe result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian Muscle System.
3. MO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Gallbladder Meridian Muscle System and CO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and bladder Meridian Muscle System.
75 前額-頭頸部의 근막통 및 신경병증과 두피탈모와의 관련성 조현석 2023-07-01 ~ 학회지
Object : I investigated the theory of MPS and Neuropathy to find out the link with alopecia.
Methods : We searched the current Oriental medical literature and Medical literature related to
MPS, Neuropathy and hairloss.
Conclusions :
1. Governor Vessel, Bladder Meridian and Gallbladder Meridian run on the Scalp of the vertex.
2. Neuropathy caused by entrapment syndrome of MPS block the supply route of supraorbital n. & a. at the attachment area of orbicularis oculi, corrugator on the forehead and great occipital n. at the attachment area of nuchal muscles on the postoccipital area.
3. Meridian muscle system therapy on the Governor Vessel, Bladder Meridian, Gallbladder Meridian, Stomach Meridian, Small Intestine Meridian and Triple energizer Meridian may treat the forehead and vertex alopecia.
74 문신의 역사 조현석 2023-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate history of tattoo.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to History of tattoo outside of Asia.
Conclusions :
Tattoos arose in an instinctive way: pain, hunger, fear, longing, and expression of beauty. It has been done as an act to express and nurture oneself in addition to the indication of the social status or group to which one belongs. Due to the permanence of tattoos, they were also used as a means of 'not belonging' to isolate criminals and slaves from society. Tattoos were regarded as socially unjust behaviors, resulting in negative perceptions.