

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
65 침구를 이용한 한방성형 조현석 이성환 2021-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate current Oriental medical cosmetic surgery on Dematology and Aesthetics.
Methods : We searched the current Oriental medical literature related to Dermatology and Aesthetics.
Conclusions :
1. Miso facial Rejuvenation acupuncture could improve skin tone, texture and wrinkling by assisting the circulation of Ki.
2. Jung-an acupuncture was effective for the skin disease such as freckles, acnes, especially on the face, head and neck.
3. Embedding therapy could be used in facial disease through meridian muscle system.
4. Jahyungchim had and effect on brease augmentation on Female Patient.
64 탈모와 경락 조현석 2021-01-01 ~ 학회지
Object : I investigaed the link between the classification of Alopecia and the grouping of Meridian Muscle System on the Scalp.
Methods : We searched the current Oriental medical literature on the Meridian Muscle System and Medical literature on the Alopecia Classifications.
Conclusions :
1. C type, O type and U type Alopecia is related to the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian Muscle System.
2. C type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Bladder Meridian Muscle System, and O type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Governor Vessel, and U type Alopecia is extremely severe result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian Muscle System.
3. MO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Gallbladder Meridian Muscle System and CO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and bladder Meridian Muscle System.
63 동서의학적 영양치료 조현석 2021-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate current Nutritional Therapy because present nutrition science is in the middle of change.
Methods : I searched the current nutrition science literatures and books.
Conclusions :
1. ODI is more recommended than RDI.
2. ODI is applied to the individuals for their well-being life.
62 맞춤형화장품 시대에 한방피부미용이 나아갈 방향 모색 이성환 2020-07-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was written to find the direction in which Korean Medical aesthetics should go in line with the world\'s first customized cosmetics system.
Methods : The Korean Food and Drug Administration\'s customized cosmetics system was explained. In addition, the recent trend of Korean medical cosmetics was compared with the Korean medicine external treatment method related to the recent Korean aesthetic skin care.
Conclusions : Korean medicine, which promotes diagnosis and treatment according to the individual\'s constitution and symptoms, recognizes and observes differences in individual skin conditions, and has considerable commonality between customized cosmetics tailored to each skin condition.