

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
69 SMP의 역사와 현황 조현석 2022-07-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : Through an Internet search, the origin of SMP(scalp micro-pigmentation) and its current status in Korea and abroad were investigated.
Methods : We searched the current SMP literature related to History and Current status of SMP by Internet Searching.
Conclusions :
The SMP procedure was first commercialized medically when a thesis on SMP was presented at the International Society for Hair Transplantation (ISHRS) in 2010. In Korea, tattooing including SMP by non-medical personnel is not yet legalized, and SMP is mostly performed by beauticians and skin care practitioners, and some western clinics are performing it. It is hoped that SMP will be treated as a method of acupuncture by Korean doctors in the future.
68 문신의 역사 -아시아 외의 지역을 중심으로 조현석 2022-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate history of tattoo.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to History of tattoo outside of Asia.
Conclusions :
Tattoos arose in an instinctive way: pain, hunger, fear, longing, and expression of beauty. It has been done as an act to express and nurture oneself in addition to the indication of the social status or group to which one belongs. Due to the permanence of tattoos, they were also used as a means of 'not belonging' to isolate criminals and slaves from society. Tattoos were regarded as socially unjust behaviors, resulting in negative perceptions.
67 한국 문신의 역사 이성환 2022-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate history of tattoo in Korea.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to History of tattoo outside of Korea.
Conclusions :
It is recorded that tattoos have existed in Korea since the era of the Three Han States. Through the Goryeo Dynasty and the Joseon Dynasty, tattoos have developed mainly as a kind of punishment culture. This seems to have started from the Confucian concept of valuing the body received from parents. Nevertheless, tattoos were used as secret symbols between lovers. The image of a negative tattoo is gradually changing in modern times.
66 일본 문신의 역사 이성환 2022-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate history of tattoo in Japan.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to History of tattoo outside of Japan.
Conclusions :
In Japan, tattoos were first documented in China. Similar to Korea, the perception of tattoos was greatly influenced by the Confucian view of the body. Tattoos were used as punishment, a means of state control. After tattooing was banned in the Edo Shogunate period, it was prevalent by gangs rather than ordinary people. Although tattoos are prevalent in Japan, ordinary people show a dual tendency to avoid tattoos.