

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
73 문신에 대한 한국인의 인식 이성환 2023-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate Korean Perceptions of Tattoo.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to Korean Perceptions in Web and Articles.
Conclusions :
In conclusion, the perception of tattoos in South Korea is still negative, but tattoos are recognized as both art and medicine. It is necessary to keep safety and hygiene in mind when getting tattooed, and to create a safe environment for tattooing through legalization. The perception of tattoos in Korean society is gradually changing. However, there are still differences in perception between different age groups. These differences are likely to persist for the foreseeable future.
72 문신에 대한 국내외 인식의 차이 이성환 2023-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate history of tattoo in Japan.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to History of tattoo outside of Japan.
Conclusions :
In Japan, tattoos were first documented in China. Similar to Korea, the perception of tattoos was greatly influenced by the Confucian view of the body. Tattoos were used as punishment, a means of state control. After tattooing was banned in the Edo Shogunate period, it was prevalent by gangs rather than ordinary people. Although tattoos are prevalent in Japan, ordinary people show a dual tendency to avoid tattoos.
71 문신의 상징성 이성환 2022-07-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate history of tattoo.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to History of tattoo outside of Asia.
Conclusions :
Tattoos originated as a means of expressing instincts such as pain, hunger, and sexual desire. It has developed not only as a means of expressing beauty, but also as a means of displaying one's status in the group to which one belongs. Tattoos have been practiced to complement human weakness and to express a new birth by being empowered by nature's primitiveness. Tattoos are being practiced to compensate for the loss of human nature in modern material civilization, and the perception of tattoos is gradually changing.
70 문신과 의료법의 역사 조현석 2022-07-01 ~ 학회지
Objects : This report was performed to in order to investigate history of tattoo in Law.
Methods : We searched the current tattoo literature related to History of Tattoo and Medical Law. Since the Supreme Court ruled on May 9, 1978 that only medical personnel can practice medical treatment, tattooing has been ruled as a violation of the Medical Act. The Constitutional Court has also made a judgment to the same effect. However, the changing perception of the people and the changing ratio of judgment by the constitutional court reflect the change of the times. We look at the history of past courts and constitutional court judgments in Korea and the tattoo-related systems of foreign countries.