

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
5 뇌파와 자율신경계 반응을 이용한 경항부 수기요법의 영향 평가 조가영* 김은주 김지 2009-12-30 ~ 학회지
Objectives:This study intends to identify the effects of neck massage reducing mental stress using analysis of the EEG and Heart Rate Variability
Methods: 7healthy volunteers participated in this study. Neck massages were carried out by professional massage therapist15 minutes to each volunteers. EEG and HRV were recorded before and after massage.
Results: After neck skin massage, α/βratio is increased at all of EEG channels. 5 of 7 volunteers\' α/βratio are significantly increased. HRV, RMSSD and LnHF have a tendency to increase, LnLH, LnVLF, LF/HF ratio have a tendency to decrease after neck massage.
Conclusions:The results suggest that neck massage canrease relaxation of mental state and decreasemental stress.
Key words:Mental stress, EEG, HRV, massage, neck
4 탈모의 유전력 관련성에 관한 조사 이문원 2009-12-30 ~ 학회지
Objective : This survey was performed in order to find out family related origin of Alopecia among their family.
Method : This survey was performed in several Alopecia internet communities, the author\'s Oriental medical clinic and Aesthetic college. I got answers from 438 people(the patients who visit the clinic, the people who visit the internet communities and the students of the Aesthetic college.) and analyzed.
Results :
1. Alopecia is affected by family heredity.
2. Son󰡑s alopecia is affected by paternal side rather than maternal side
3. Daughter󰡑s alopecia is little affected by family heredity than son, but maternal side effects a little.
4. 19.84 percent those answered alopesia is not affected by family heredity.
5. Parent󰡑s affection is important than the grandparent
6. Age of people who complain of alopecia is younger.
Keywords : Alopecia, heredity
3 2006 HAIR & BEAUTY EXPO 대한한방피부미용학회 2006-09-23 ~ 학술대회
2006 HAIR & BEAUTY EXPO 와 함께 개최.
본 강좌는 개원가 특화 전략을 위해 기미, 아토피, 탈모 및 백발치료 및 관리, 모발이식의 임상실제, 피부 및 두피건강을 위한 영양등 피부 미용과 두피 관리 분야에 있어 한방과 양방의 이론과 치료보조요법으로서의 임상실제를 체험.
2 부산,경남 탈모전문가 양성워크샵 대한한방피부미용학회 2006-04-29 ~ 학술대회
부산,경남 미용학회 2006년 정기총회 및, 탈모 및 두피질환의 진단, 치료, 관리, 제품 등..임상에 바로 적용할수 있도록 이론과 임상실습을 곁들인 전문가 과정을 부산에서 개최.