

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
17 코라테라피(절개침)을 이용한 안면부의 수두흉터 개선 3례 증례발표 이준석, 진용희, 홍무석 2011-01-01 ~
Background and Objective : Chicken pox(varicella) is highly contagious disease and causes fever, fatigue and skin lesion. Skin lesions commonly heal without sequela, but secondary bacterial infection leaves atrophic chicken pox scar. Many modalities are proposed but each does not yield satisfactory clinical outcomes. acupuncture is considered a simple, safe procedure with a different and basic mechanism for correcting atrophic chicken pox scars. However, there are few reports about such procedure. This study performed to evaluate the effect of acupuncture therapy.

Methods : three patients were received acupuncture therapy(atrophic scars were treated by superficial dermal undermining, with acupuncture) eight times over three to six months. the photo of each patients were taken before and after the treatment.

Result and conclusion : After observing patients satisfaction, comparing case photos and GASC, it can be considered that acupuncture therapy brings great results when performed on atrophic chicken pox scars.
16 설문지를 이용한 출산 후 휴지기 탈모 환자의 통계적 연구 조가영, 정덕희, 노호 2010-01-01 ~ 학회지
Background: Telogen effluvium (TE) is a form of nonscarring alopecia, characterized by diffuse scalp hair thinning in response to some form of physiologic stress. It is commonly described in women subsequent to childbirth.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the charaterize of the patient of TE after childbirth.
Methods: Medical records from April 2008 to May 2008 of 57 postpartum patients were intereviewed. E-mail interviews with TE patients were conducted to investigate the recognition, clinical aspect, comparison before and after and treatment method.
RESULTS:1. 89.4% of volunteers experienced hair loss after giving birth, and information about TE was acquired mainly from friends, experience themselves and through the Internet 2, 84% of respondents reported their experiences of TE. These symptoms lasted until three months after giving birth in 3 patients (6%), up to 6 months after birth in 12 patients (24%), up to 9 months after birth in 17 patients (34%), and 12 patients for 12 months after birth (24%). 3, 43 patients (86%) had a response as in the past have not been recovered 3. Respondents in 43 patients (86%) did not restore the hair as before childbirth 4. The change in the hair and scalp following childbirth are as follows ; rough and losing shiny (70.1%), thin and weak hair (61.4%). increase in dandruff or itching (59.6%). Stress of hair loss (46.3%), heat and sweat on the head (33.3%), hair growth slowing (29%) the gray hair of the new (28%), 5. Management of TE in 21 patients (35%) do not have any management responses, and using functional shampoo responsed 21 patients (35%), functional food taking response in 7 patients (11.6%), with a scalp treatment was 8 ( 13.3%), received medical treatment in 1 patient (1.7%), respectively.
Conclusion : Clinical characteristics of TE patients has to be considered in the appropriate management and treatment
- Key Words -
Childbirth, Telogen effluvium
15 40대 이상 한국 성인의 탈모의 유전력 관련성에 관한 조사 조가영, 함소리, 이문 2010-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objective : This survey was performed in order to find out family related origin of Alopecia among their family at the age over fourties
Method : This survey was performed by mail and interview with male and female over 40 years old living in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do and Jeollanam-do. we got answers from 227 people (106 male and 121 female) who has alopecia in themselves or their family and analyzed.
Results :
1. Basically, alopecia is affected by family heredity.
2. 38 percent those answered alopesia is not affected by parents heredity.
3. 23 percent those answered alopesia is not affected by paternal grandparents heredity.
4. 25 percent those answered alopesia is not affected by maternal grandparents heredity.
5. 33 percent those answered alopesia affected to their descendants
Conlusion :
Hair loss without famaily history should be noted and acquired factors such as life style, habits and the scalp and hair care is very important for management.
Keywords : Alopecia, heredity
14 女子七歲週期論에 근거한 陰虛證과 피부 지표의 변화 연구 조가영, 유선혜, 김은 2010-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: We investigated Yin-deficiency value and the skin\\\\\\\'s physical properties on the face to verify the unique aging theory of female suggested in Neijing,上古天眞論
Methods: 54 healthy Korean female(42.05±12.02 years) aged 27-61 years were participated in this study. They were asked about the intensity of 10 symptoms related to Yin-deficiency(陰虛) using questionnaire published by the Korean Journal of oriental physiology & pathology. We examined the skin properties such as moisture contents, sebum, transe-pidermal water loss, blood flow rates with Corneometer CM825 (Courage+Khazaka Electronic GmbH., Cologne, Germany), Sebumeter SM 810(Courage+Khazaka Electronic GmbH., Cologne, Germany), Laser Doppler Imaging-Periscan PIM II (Perimed AB, Stockholm, Sweden), Vapometer(Delfin Technology, Finland).
Results: Yin-DQ(Yin deficiency questionnaire) mean and number of significant symptom were increased and sebum, blood flow, TEWL were decreased as the age increases.
Conclusions: we found out that unique aging pattern by 7 years of female(女子七歲週期論) in Oriental medicine according to 陽有餘陰不足設 contributed to 滋陰波 and it can be reflected to diverse skin properties.

Key words: Yin deficiency, aging pattern, dermatology, Korean female,