

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
21 두피의 탈모유형과 경락, 경근과의 관계에 관한 문헌적 고찰 조현석 2011-01-01 ~ 학회지
Object : I investigaed the link between the classification of Alopecia and the grouping of Meridian Muscle System on the Scalp.
Methods : I searched the current Oriental medical literature on the Meridian Muscle System and Medical literature on the Alopecia Classifications.
Conclusions :
1. C type, O type and U type Alopecia is related to the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian Muscle System.
2. C type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Bladder Meridian Muscle System, and O type Alopecia is relatively more related to the Governor Vessel, and U type Alopecia is extremely severe result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Bladder Meridian Muscle System.
3. MO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and Gallbladder Meridian Muscle System and CO type Alopecia is the mixed result of the pathology of the Governor Vessel and bladder Meridian Muscle System.
20 전흉부 및 유선주위에서 근막통에 의한 신경병증과 경근의 유선발달과의 관련성에 대한 문헌적 고찰 조현석 2011-01-01 ~ 학회지
Object : This study is desinged in order to foundate basic oriental medical theory of breat augmentation.
Methods : I searched the current Oriental medical literature related to Dermatology and Aesthetics.
Conclusions :
1. Mammary Glands grow by the blood supply of the hormon and nutrition through vessels.
2. Entrapment syndrome of MPS, such as Thoracic Outlet Syndrome can block the supply route of subclabicular a. & axillary a. around Mammary Gland.
3. Acupuncture Stimulation on muscle and ligament can intensify the blood supply for Breast Augmentation and elasticity of Cooper\'s ligament of the Mammary Gland.
19 6개월 이상 한약복용이 간, 신장 기능에 미치는 영향 이문원.이희섭 2011-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objective: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of long term dosage of herbal medicine on the liver and kidney.

Method: The research subjects are 35 patients with over 6months of herbal medicine dosage were chosen as test subjects and 11 subjects without any herbal medicine for more than 6months were chosen as the comparison group. Blood samples were collected and they were measured according to the liver function index: GOT, GPT, and GGT and the kidney function index: Uric Acid, Creatinine, BUN, and statistical analysis was done using SPSS.

1) GOT: In the case of male subject group, the average value was 15.82(max 27, min 10)IU/L, and the female group, the average value was 11.26(max 15, min 10)IU/L. In the comparison group, the male subject group had an average value of 21.00(max 26, min 16)IU/L, and the female subject group was 15.50(max 23, min 11)IU/L.
2) GPT: Male subject group had an average of 24.88(max of 64, min of 10)IU/L, and the female, 11.24(max 16, min 10)IU/L. The male comparison group had an average of 26.80(max 32, min 25)IU/L, and the female comparison group had an average of 14.00(max 20, min 10)IU/L.
3) GGT: The average value of the male subject group was 31.29(max 77, min 10)IU/L, and the female subject group was 15.79(max 39, min 10)IU/L. In the comparison group, the male had 24.60(max 29, min 22)IU/L and the female had 20.17(max 28, min10)IU/L.
4) Uric Acid: The average value of the male subject group was 5.5(max 7.4, min 1.0)mg/dl, and the female subject group was 4.23(max 6.6, min 2.8)mg/dl. The average value of the male comparison group was 6.20(max 6.9, min 4.5), and the female comparison group was 4.87(max6.1, min 4.0)mg/dl.
5)Creatinine: The average value of the male subject group was 1.04(max 1.3, min 0.6)mg/dl, and the female subject group was 0.88(max 1.3, min 1.1)mg/dl. The average value of the male comparison group was 1.04(max 1.1, min 0.9)mg/dl, and the female comparison group was 0.89(max 1.1, min 0.7)mg/dl.
6) BUN: The average value of the male subject group was 10.59(max 17, min 7)mg/dl, and the female group was 10.78(max 15, min 7)mg/dl. The average value of the male comparison group was 12.60(max 18, min 9)mg/dl, and the female comparison group was 8.83(max 11, min 7)mg/dl.
7) The comparison of the values of the subject group and the comparison group using SPSS on the statistics, have shown that there were no significant differences between the two groups(P<0.05) except in the male GOT.

Conclusion: The liver and kidney function test average of the subject group were all within the normal range and there were no significant difference between the subject group and the comparison group, thus it can be considered that long term dosage of herbal medicine has no effect on the liver and kidney.
18 코라테라피(절개침)을 이용한 안면부의 수두흉터 개선 3례 증례발표 이준석, 진용희, 홍무석 2011-01-01 ~
Background and Objective : Chicken pox(varicella) is highly contagious disease and causes fever, fatigue and skin lesion. Skin lesions commonly heal without sequela, but secondary bacterial infection leaves atrophic chicken pox scar. Many modalities are proposed but each does not yield satisfactory clinical outcomes. acupuncture is considered a simple, safe procedure with a different and basic mechanism for correcting atrophic chicken pox scars. However, there are few reports about such procedure. This study performed to evaluate the effect of acupuncture therapy.

Methods : three patients were received acupuncture therapy(atrophic scars were treated by superficial dermal undermining, with acupuncture) eight times over three to six months. the photo of each patients were taken before and after the treatment.

Result and conclusion : After observing patients satisfaction, comparing case photos and GASC, it can be considered that acupuncture therapy brings great results when performed on atrophic chicken pox scars.