

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
17 급성기와 회복기 중풍 환자의 변증 유형의 상관관계 연구 백종우, 하유군, 여현 2008-01-01 ~ 학회지
This study was done to investigate the relationship of differentiation of the pattern indentification in stroke patients between acute and convalescent stage.
16 급성기 중풍 환자들의 위험요인 및 중풍유형과 변증분형의 관련성 연구 신애숙, 이인환, 곽자 2008-01-01 ~ 학회지
This study was conducted as part of the national project to standardize stroke diagnosis in Korean medicine. In this study, we assecced what categories of stroke diagnosis mellitus(DM) and hyperlipidemia(HL) fall into. Also we looked into stroke subtypes and its diagnosis in Korean medicine.
15 중풍환자의 대사증후군 유병률에 대한 단면조사연구 박성욱, 이인환, 정우 2008-01-01 ~ 학회지
Metabolic syndrome(MetS) is associated with increasing risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality but the risk of stroke associated with the MetS is less well established. The objective of this study was to evaluated the prevalence of MetS in stroke patients.
14 운동실조와 현훈을 주소로 한 소뇌경색 환자의 척담탕 치험 1례 최인영, 김미경, 김보 2008-01-01 ~ 학회지
Ataxia and vertigo are frequent clinical findings in cerebellar infarction patients. In severe cases, they cannot achieve normal activity in daily life. A 65-year-old man was admitted with ataxia and vertigo diagnosed as acute cerebellar infarction. We prescribed for Chukdam-tang to treat the phlegm disease. After this treatment, ataxia and vertigo improved. We suggest Chukdam-tang is significantly effective on the treatment of cerebellar infarction.