

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
169 감각저하 및 이상 감각을 호소하는 연수 외측 증후군 환자 한의복합치료 1례 전선욱, 정성훈, 정소민, 이성욱, 조기호, 문상관, 정우상, 권승원, 이한결 2023-01 ~ 학회지
■Objective The aim of this study is to report the effects of Korean medicine treatment on patients
complaining of sensory disorder of Lateral medullary syndrome caused by lateral medullary
■Method The patient received Sogyeonghwalhyeoltang, acupuncture, electroacupuncture, TENS and
Jungsongouhyul pharmacopuncture treatment for 18 days. Abnormal sensation was evalu-
ated using the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and sensory ataxia was evaluated using quan-
titative sensory evaluation for light touch, pain, and temperature, and then the sensation was
evaluated using % compared with sensation felt when normal was 100%. Symptoms were
evaluated over a total of 3 weeks on 2/7, 2/14, and 2/21.
■Results After treatment, NRS scores decreased both when the abnormal sensation was stable and
when stimulated. The recovery score for sensory ataxia increased, with more pronounced re-
covery in the trunk area and slower recovery in the peripheral area.
■Conclusion This case shows that combined Oriental medicine treatment helps recover from sensory dis-
order in Lateral medullary syndrome.
■Key words Lateral medullary syndrome, Sensory ataxia, Abnormal sensation, Korean medicine treatment
168 뇌졸중 후 불안을 동반한 공격성을 호소하는 뇌경색 환자에 대한 복합 한의치험 1례 이다빈, 전선욱, 김근영, 조기호, 문상관, 정우상, 권승원, 이한결 2023-01 ~ 학회지
■Abstract Post-stroke aggression refers to aggressive behaviors and languages which are occurred af-
ter stroke. In stroke patients, over 15% suffer from the anger and the symptom lowers the
quality of life of the patients, family, and caregivers. After diagnosing post-stroke aggression,
selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor(SSRI) and beta-blocker, beta adrenergic agonist treat-
ment usually underwent to treat the anger and anxiety of the patient. In the present case, a
81-year-old female patient with post-stroke aggression underwent Korean medical treatment
by Jodeungsan and Ukgansan for 49 days. The effect of the treatment was assessed with
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory(STAXI) per a week, roaming time per a week and
roaming frequency per a week. After the treatment, STAXI score, roaming time, and roaming
frequecy decreased, and the patient could successfully cease to take beta-blocker, which she
started to take for treating her aggression, without any side-effects. This case report suggests
that Ukgansan might be an effective option with post-stroke aggression patients taking medi-
cation including beta-blocker.
■Key words Post-stroke aggression, Acupuncture, Ukgansan
167 한방 치료로 지속성 딸꾹질이 호전된 비소세포폐암 환자 치험 1례 황여채, 이쳬진, 허혜민, 진규리, 조승연, 박성욱, 박정미, 고창남 2022-01 ~ 학회지
■ Abstract : Persistent hiccups persist for more than 48 hours. Those can often occur in cancer patients after chemotherapy or high dose of corticosteroids. A 52-year-old male patient undergoing Non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC), recently suffered presistent hiccups and dyspnea. He was treated with herbal medicine for 56days and acupuncture for 9days. No side effects were observed during treatment. The severity of hiccups was measured in every hospital visit and psychometric symptoms were evaluated periodically through the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System(ESAS). The severity of hiccups and psychometric symptoms were al-leviated and the effect persisted during the treatment. The patient took no other nervous system drugs in the end of the treatment. In conclusion, Korean medicine like Hyeongbang-jihwang-tang and Jeongcheonhwadamgangki-tang can be effective for patients with persistent hiccups and dyspnea who cannot use alternative drugs or treatment because of other compli-cations.

■ Key words : Hiccup, Lung cancer, Hyeongbangjihwang-tang, Jeongcheonhwadamgangki-tang, Palliative care, Korean medicine, case report.
166 한방치료로 운동 기능장애와 실성증이 호전된 파킨 슨증후군 환자 치험 1례 허혜민, 이경화, 황예채, 전규리, 조승연, 박성욱, 박정미, 고창남 2022-01 ~ 학회지
■Objectives : This case study is to report the effectiveness of Korean medicine in Parkinsonism patient’s treatment.
■Methods : We used the acupuncture, electro-acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy, herbal med-icine, especially Palmulgunja-tang to the Parkinsonism patient with motor disorder such as Postural Instability and Gait Difficulty(PIGD) and aphonia. Unified Parkinson's Disease Rat-ing Scale(UPDRS), analysis of gait pattern, voice dB and self-evaluation of speed and volume were used to assess the change of symptoms.
■Results : After treatment, the UPDRS score decreased in overall category and the walking pattern has improved. In addition, the improvement was observed in voice volume and in self assess-ment of the patient.
■Conclusion This case suggests the effect of Korean medical treatment on motor disorder and aphonia in Parkinsonism.
■Key words : Parkinsonism, motor disorder, Palmulgunja-tang, Korean medicine, Case report.