

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
8 The Clinical Future of Reflux Esophagitis 이가영, 최태준, 이남훈, 최서형 2020-06 ~ 학회지
visiting a Korean medicine hospital.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of patients with an RE diagnosis who visited a Korean medicine
hospital from June 15, 2020, to April 15, 2021. We analyzed the clinical characteristics and the results of a symptoms questionnaire.
Results: Our sample included 1,151 patients (711 females). The median age was 58 years; the most common age bracket
was 60-69 years. A total of 837 patients (72.7%) presented with symptoms lasting more than one year, and 1,035 (89.9%) had
been prescribed medications for more than three months before visiting a Korean medicine hospital. Belching (77.6%) and acid
regurgitation (70.9%) were the most frequent symptoms, followed by epigastric pain (61.6%) and throat globus (58.5%).
Throat globus was the most bothersome symptom, and 72.4% of the patients experienced the symptom on more than five days
in the preceding two weeks. Patients with a longer symptom duration were older (p<0.01) and more likely to be overweight
(p=0.03). Patients experiencing symptoms for more than five years were more likely to report throat globus (p=0.02),
hoarseness (p<0.01), and coughing (p<0.01).
Conclusions: Most RE patients visiting a Korean medicine hospital were females in their sixties with chronic and refractory
RE. Atypical symptoms (belching, epigastric pain, and throat globus) were common. Throat globus was highly prevalent in
severe cases, suggesting that it warrants attention when treating RE patients.
7 위식도 역류질환 환자들의 한의 복합 치료 후 삶의 질 변화 이상현, 노기환, 최규호, 최서형 2019-8-17 ~ 학회지
1.위담한방병원 내원한 환자로 2019.8.17~2019.10.30까지 초진 환자 220명의 환자들 중에서 위식도 역류질환 관련 증상인 속쓰림, 역류, 연하곤란 등의 증상을 가지고 있으나 타 의료기관에서 위내시경 상 역류성 식도염을 진단받은 환자를 대상으로 치료 후 삶의 질 변화를 연구하였음.
2.220명 중 한달 간 개인사정으로 치료를 중단한 환자와 역류성 식도염 진단을 받고 내원하였더라도 GERD-HRQL 설문지 기준 상으로 속쓰림과 역류가 없다고 평가되는 환자 등을 제외한 최종 46명의 환자를 연구대상으로 선정함.
-위식도 역류질환 환자들의 4주간 치료 후 GERD-HRQL 설문지 16문항(속쓰림6문항, 삼킴장애2문항, 역류 증상 6문항, 복용 약과 일상생활 영향 1문항) 응답 점수를 통해 증상 변화를 살펴보면, 속쓰림은 11.85土6.62에서 3.21土4.27 로 감소하였고,
역류는 11.50土6.10에서 3.33土3.94로 감소하였으며, 삼킴장애는 1.78土2.52에서 0.74土1.45로 감소하였음.
-복용 약에 따른 일상생활 불편감 정도는 1.09土1.35에서 0.42土0.87로 감소하였음.
-4가지 항목 종합하면 총 29.00土12.41에서 9.91土8.93으로 감소하였음.
6 소화불량증 환자의 심하부 진단 임상 연구 (Algometer와 고전압정전위치료기를 이용하여) 노기환, 이상현, 진선영, 최서형 2019-08-15 ~ 학회지
1. 위담한방병원에 2019.8.15~2019.11.30까지 입원한 환자 중 최근 1개월 내에 심하부 불편감이 있으며, 최근 2년 이내 위내시경 소견상 심하부 증상 유발 가능성의 기질성 질환이 존재하지 않는 기능성 소화불량 환자군 중 심하비, 심하비경으로 진단되어진 환자를 대상으로 연구함.
-심하비군, 심하비경군에서 Algometer의 PPT값은 치료의 진행에 따라 점차적으로 유의미하게 커졌으며, 이는 심하부의 경직이 치료과정에 따라 줄어든다고 볼 수
-심하비군, 심하비경군에서 고전압정전위치료기의 통전통, VAS와 환자 증상VAS도 치료의 진행에 따라 대부분에서 유의성 있게 줄어들었으며, 이는 치료를 통해
증상이 호전되고, 심하부 경직이 줄어듬을 간접적으로 진단할 수 있었음.
-심하부의 경직이 풀리면 환자 증상도 좋아진다는 사실을 확인할 수 있었음.
5 위장관 증상이 주증상인 환자의 체질량지수에 따른 위장관 증상 분석 나병조,전혜원,최서형 2018.0701 ~ 학회지
Objectives: This study aims to explore the relationship between gastrointestinal(GI) symptoms and body mass index(BMI), focusing on the clinical characteristics of patients with varying BMI categories.

Methods: In this study, 745 patients, newly visiting a Korean Medicine hospital for GI symptoms, were assessed. Standardized questionnaires were used to obtain demographic data and information on 11 GI symptoms. Patients were categorized by BMI: underweight (<18.5), normal (≥18.5 and <23), overweight (≥23 and <25), and obese (≥25). ANOVA analysis was used to evaluate symptom score differences across BMI groups. A multiple linear model, adjusted for age and sex, was used to assess the association between BMI and GI symptoms.
Significant differences were noted in dyspepsia, epigastric bloating, upset stomach, belching, and diarrhea among the BMI categories. Underweight patients reported more severe dyspepsia compared to normal, overweight, and obese groups. Underweight patients have statistically significant severe score than obese patients in dyspepsia, epigastric bloating, upset stomach, and belching. In comparison to obese individuals, underweight patients had more severe symptoms of dyspepsia, epigastric bloating, upset stomach, and belching. The multiple linear model revealed significant associations: for dyspepsia in normal, overweight, and obese groups; for epigastric bloating, upset stomach, and belching in the obese group; for constipation in normal and overweight groups; and for diarrhea in the overweight group, all compared to the underweight group.

Conclusions: This study suggests a significant association between several GI symptoms and BMI in patients. Notably, underweight patients exhibited more severe dyspepsia than normal, overweight, and obese patients.