

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
20 만성 소화불량 환자의 복부 압통과 두통의 연관성 연구 나병조, 최서형, 전혜원 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: Dyspepsia patients often complain of several gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal pressure pain and several extragastrointestinal symptoms such as headache. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between abdominal pressure pain and headache in patients with chronic dyspepsia.
Methods: Total 122 inpatients who visited Gangnamweedahm Oriental Hospital with chronic dyspepsia were included. The patients completed the questionaire inquiring the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS), Headache
Impact Test-6 (HIT-6), demography, past medical history and institutional care. The pressure pain threshold (PPT) values of abdominal region (11 acupoints) were assessed using algometer to measure the abdominal pressure pain.
Results: There were statistically significant results in correlation and regression analysis between abdominal pressure pains and some items of HIT-6.
Conclusions: These findings provide the correlation between abdominal pressure pains and headache in patients with chronic dyspepsia. Further studies are required to elucidate the underlying mechanisms to explain those relation.
Key Words : abdominal pressure pain, headache, pressure pain threshold(PPT), cross sectional study

Key Words : abdominal pressure pain, headache, pressure pain threshold(PPT), cross sectional study
19 담적증후군으로 단일기관에서 치료받은 환자의 지질대사 혈액지표 변화에 대한 예비연구 노기환, 최규호, 이상현, 노현민, 최서형 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Obje cti v e s: The objective of this study is to produce an information how Korean medical treatment affects hyperlipidemia in patients with Phlegm Syndrome.
Methods: This study included total of 63 patients (male 17 and female 46, average age 56.03±10.74 years) who were treated for phlegm syndrome at the Weedahm Korean Medical Hospital. We analyzed the results by performing
changes in total cholesterol (T-Chol), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), triglyceride (TG) once at hospitalization and once after 4 weeks of hospitalization. Acupuncture, herbal
medicine, and other Korean medical treatments were performed for treatment, and the improvement was evaluated by comparing the average value before and after treatment of each blood parameters.
Results: After Korean medical treatment T-Chol tended to decrease but significance was found in male (178±43 → 160±32 mg/dl). HDL showed to remain the same or slightly lower. LDL were lowered, especially in male (107±38
→ 92±29 mg/dl). TG was found to rise relatively slightly. Among 63 patients, 38 patients (60.3%) showed the normal range of levels or improvement in T-Chol, 34 patients (54.0%) in HDL, 39 patients (61.9%) in LDL and 19 paients
(30.2%) in TG after treatment.
Conclusions: Our data shows the overall feature of effects on hyperlipidemia of Korean medical therapy to treat phlegm syndrome. It is necessary to expand the subjects of the study and the longer observation in the future.

Key Words : hyperlipidemia, cholesterol, triglyceride, Korean medicine, Oriental medicine, Phlegm Syndrome
18 담적치료를 통한 복부 경결도와 피로와의 상관관계 허봉주, 최서형 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between abdominal stiffness and fatigue through phlegmmass treatment.
Methods: We reviewed medical records retrospectively on 53 patients (male 5 and female 48, average age 57.3±9.8) with phlegmmass syndrome and idiopathic chronic fatigue in OO Oriental Hospital. The medical records included
patients data such as gastrointestinal symptoms, extra-GI symptoms, Chalder fatigue scale(CFS) and abdominal stiffness scores.
Results: Abdominal stiffness decreased significantly by 8.25±1.72 points from 9.51±0.75 points on the 1st day of admission to 1.26±1.74 points on the 14th day of admission. CFS decreased significantly by 6.94±6.34 points from
21.38±4.18 points on the first day of admission to 14.43±7.38 points on the 14th day of admission. There was statistically significance between CFS and abdominal stiffness scores.
Conclusions: We observed potential relationship between abdominal stiffness scores and Chalder fatigue scale through phlegmmass treatment, which need to be evaluated for more patients in future.

Key Words : phlegmmass, phlegmmass syndrome, idiopathic chronic fatigue, abdominal stiffness, Chalder fatigue scale
17 기능성 소화불량 환자의 대변 형태별 복부경혈 압력통각역치 비교분석 노현민, 노기환, 최규호, 이상현, 조나현, 오현아, 주수빈, 최서형 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a difference in abdominal acupoints pressure pain threshold (PPT) according to the stool type in subjects with functional dyspepsia (FD).
Methods: We investigated 77 patients (male 21, female 56 with FD symptoms who admitted to Weedahm Korean Hospital for 2 weeks from April 14, 2020 to March 31, 2021). On the day of admission, NDI-K (Nepean
Dyspepsia Index), algometer on acupoints (CV12, CV10, ST25, ST27, SP14) and stool type questionnaire were examined.
Results: The average age of the patients was 55.2±13.6 years, and the average BMI was 21.74±3.26. 93.5% of them showed abnormal bowel function. PPT scores of both ST25 were relatively high in FD patients. Constipation and diarrhea types in FD patients showed
relatively high pressure pain thresholds at the acupoints. Conclusions: Most of FD patients had stool-related discomfort. When there is an abnormality in stool condition such as constipation and diarrhea, the pressure pain threshold was found to be relatively high, which means
constipation and diarrhea types may appear to have higher stiffness in abdominal acupoints. And acupoint ST25 can be helpful as a diagnostic point in FD.

Key Words : functional dyspepsia, stool type, algometer, acupoint