

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
41 맞춤형 턱관절 균형 구강내 장치를 활용한 턱관절 자세 음양교정술의 환상미각증 치험 1례 박은진, 임재은, 이영준, 김철홍 2018-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to report the effect of Postural Yinyang Correction of the Temporomandibular
joint (Functional Cerebrospinal Therapy, FCST) for phantogeusia.
Methods: A patient with phantogeusia was treated at the Department of Acupuncture
40 뇌질환 연구 동향 조사 및 턱관절 장애 관련 뇌질환 기전 연구의 필요성 이세은, 이민지, 이병호, 임세현, 조수인 2018-01-01 ~ 학회지
Recently, clinical efficacies of the intraoral balancing appliance therapy have been reported by several researchers, and it has been found that there are various kinds of diseases that can be effectively applied. However, studies on cere- brovascular disease, one of the main diseases with a high mortality rate, are still poorly reported, and studies of tempor- omandibular joint disorder (TMD)-induced changes in brain function suggest that cerebrovascular disease is more appro- priate as an adaptive disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) balancing device. In the developed countries, the importance of research on the structure and function of the brain has been recognized and spurred on the related research. In Korea, the research on brain function and cognitive disorders should have promoted more massively. In order to regain its former reputation in the Korean medicine in the field of cerebrovascular disease, it should be spurred on basic research and clinical case studies. In addition, extensive and in-depth studies including animal studies are needed to establish the basis of underlying mechanisms of the TMJ balancing therapies.
39 Sleep-related breathing disorder and its relationship with temporomandibular disorders : Literature review 박정열,이승훈,이상훈,최도영 2017-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: In order to establish a relationship between sleep related breathing disorder (SBD) and temporomandibular
disorders (TMDs), a literature review was performed.
Methods: A researching was performed based on PubMed, including english languages. Any clinical study identified relationship
between SBD and TMD were selected in this review.
Results: 13 studies were analyzed in this review. According to SBD diagnosis, articles were grouped as follows: polysomnographic
diagnosis (n=7), clinical diagnosis (n=2) and survey/self-report (n=4). 12 articles established a positive relation
between SBD and TMD and 1 did not.
Conclusions: SBD would be associated with protrusion/retrusion degree, myofascial pain, muscular and joint pathology,
and other orofacial findings. It was analyzed that the retrusion of the mandible had the significant influence on the severity
of the SBD.
38 악관절의 기능과 이상에 관한 역학적 해석 지규용, 이영준 2017-01-01 ~ 학회지
In order to understand Changeologically on the meaning of FCST’s TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) treatment procedure,
Yi, Shike, Bi, Gen trigrams concerning the jaw and change by treatment were analyzed from the viewpoint of semiotic
context of hexagon and holistic interpretation on disease. Yi is meant by jaw but actually indicates mouth made by maxilla
and mandible, and it’s characters are related with nourishing by aliment and words. But when we eat and speak in the
daily life, jaw does not nourish properly it’s own body by bad habit or postures. For the treatment of this ill state, there
needs punishment and correction symbolized with Shike. Shike has fourth nine meaning obstacles between the two strong
lines in the upper and lower end, and so it has the function of mastication and get rid of the fourth nine metaphorically
indicating subluxation of axis using CBA and auxiliary measures of four movement or laughing methods. Bi expresses
the achievement and effects of consecutive mastication process implicating normalized manifestation of jaw and its linked
spinal function. Gen symbolizes removing selfish motive or partiality in advance and reaches the best state of the saint
righteously self-nourishable human being.