

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
9 FCST의 음양균형장치를 이용한 연축성 사경증 증례보고 최근욱, 이영준 2012-01-01 ~
Objectives: Therapeutic effect of Yinyang Balancing Appliance of functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) for meridian
and neurologic yinyang balance was observed in cervical dystonia cases.
Methods: Two cervical dystonia cases were managed with the Yinyang Balancing Appliance on temporomandibular joint
(TMJ), combined with acupuncture. Clinical outcome measurement was based on subjective measures and clinical
Results: The patients showed positive changes even after the initial treatment and this effect maintained over the follow-up
Conclusions: Although it is not clear the effect is a sustaining or temporary in its nature, a positive effect was observed
and further clinical and biological research on FCST is expected.
Key Words: Cervical dystonia, Yinyang Balancing Appliance, Functional cerebrospinal therapy, FCST, TMJ, Obsessive
compulsive disorder
8 FCST의 음양균형장치를 활용한 뚜렛장애의 증례보고 유대길,이영준 2012-01-01 ~
Objectives: Therapeutic effect of Yinyang Balancing Appliance of functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) for meridian
and neurologic yinyang balance was observed in Tourette's Disorder.
Methods: Two Tourette's Disorder cases were managed with the Yinyang Balancing Appliance on temporomandibular
joint (TMJ), combined with acupuncture. Clinical outcome measurement was based on subjective measures and clinical
Results: The patients showed positive changes even after the initial treatment and this effect maintained over the follow-up
Conclusions: Although it is not clear the effect is a sustaining or temporary in its nature, a positive effect was observed
and further clinical and biological research on FCST is expected.
Key Words: Tourette's disorder, Tic, Yinyang balancing appliance, Functional cerebrospinal therapy, FCST, TMJ
7 C. M. Guzay의 Quadrant Theorem에 대한 고찰 인창식, 이영준 2012-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: The quadrant theorem is a theorem proposed by C. M. Guzay in the field of functional, holistic dentistry. There
are not much of scientific literature on the quadrant theorem. This study briefly reviewed basic concepts of quadrant
Methods: A publication by Guzay and research articles were searched and reviewed. The quadrant theorem is depicted
as a series of illustrations and accompanied explanations.
Results: The primary concept of the quadrant theorem was presented in 1952. Based on geometric biophysics of the occlusion
and related anatomical functions, physiological pivotal axis of the mandible is analyzed to occurs at the dens (the
sub-atlas area). Composite muscular activity links the mandibular posture with C1-C2, which is then linked with the
spinal posture. Twenty illustrations are progressively presented on the physiognomy, occlusion, and analysis of anatomical
functions. The balanced distribution of the forces gives the durability of the functions in life.
Conclusions: The quadrant theorem provides a functional linkage between the mandibular posture and the upper cervical
Key Words: Quadrant theorem, Guzay, Occlusion, Temporomandibular joint, Balance
6 경추회전제한검사법에 대한 소고; 근육검사법 관점에서 안성훈, 이영준, 손인철 2012-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: It has been reported to continue that temporomandibular joint balancing medicine (functional cerebrospinal
therapy; FCST) is effective in treating incurable diseases in clinic recently. FCST is based on the results of restricted
cervical rotation test, it means that the results of restricted cervical rotation test has a very high reliability on test results.
Methods: This study has the aim to understand restricted cervical rotation test method and to use well with high technical
skill. So manual muscle test method which was based on the upper limb lifting resistance test method are compared with
restricted cervical rotation test method and had been discussed.
Results: Results are that restricted cervical rotation test by using the passive motion of arrested persons (patients) have
high the reliability and accuracy.
Conclusions: It is concluded that restricted cervical rotation test is the new type of manual muscle tests and the results
of test are very high the reliability and accuracy so that the acquirement of test method is helpful in clinic practically.
Key Words: TMJ balancing medicine, FCST, Restricted cervical rotation test