

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
17 FCST의 음양균형장치를 활용한 만성 재발성 턱관절 탈구의 증례 보고 이영준, 이상배, 최재민 2014-01-01 ~ 학회지
Therapeutic effect of Yinyang Balancing Appliance of functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) for meridian and neurologic
yinyang balance was observed in recurrent or habitual type temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation. One Recurrent
or habitual type TMJ dislocation case was managed with the Yinyang Balancing Appliance on TMJ, combined with
acupuncture. Clinical outcome measurement was based on subjective measures and clinical observations. The patient
showed positive changes even after the initial treatment and this effect maintained over the follow-up period. Although
it is not clear the effect is sustaining or temporary in its nature, a positive effect was observed and further clinical and
biological research on FCST is expected.
16 턱관절자세음양교정술(FCST)의 음양균형장치를 활용한 구안와사 증례보고 김윤상 2014-01-01 ~ 학회지
Therapeutic effect of temporomandibular joint postural training by functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) for the balance of the meridian and neurologic system was observed in a facial palsy case. An idiopathic facial palsy case of House-Brackmann grade V was managed with FCST, combined with acupuncture and postural training of the cervical and pelvic structures. Clinical outcome measurement was performed by House-Brackmann grade and Yanagihara’s scale. The patient showed positive changes in the degree of palsy and subjective symptoms within one month. Further research on the effect of FCST is expected
15 턱관절균형의학의 기본 진단검사법 이영준, 인창식 2013-01-01 ~ 학회지
Diagnostic evaluation methods frequently adopted in Temporomandibular Balancing Medicine (TBM) are briefly reviewed
as to their basic concepts and procedures. TBM diagnostic evaluation methods may be classified into direct and
indirect ones. Indirect methods are to observe any change in the manifestations with regard to the (1) posture, (2) pain,
(3) muscle strength, and (4) stretching. Direct methods are to evaluate through (1) cervical palpation test, (2) restricted
cervical rotation test, and (3) lateral cervical tension test. These methods may provide clinicians valuable information
on the current yinyang balance and potential therapeutic factors in relation with the temporomandibular joint, a meridian
system, and the whole body.
Key Words: Diagnostic evaluation methods, Temporomandibular joint, Yinyang balance, Test
14 FCST의 음양균형장치를 활용한 철결핍성 빈혈의 증례보고 이상배, 이영준 2013-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: Therapeutic effect of Yinyang Balancing Appliance of functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) for meridian
and neurologic yinyang balance was observed in Iron Deficiency Anemia.
Methods: One Iron Deficiency Anemia cases were managed with the Yinyang Balancing Appliance on temporomandibular
joint (TMJ), combined with acupuncture. Clinical outcome measurement was based on subjective measures and clinical
Results: The patients showed positive changes even after the initial treatment and this effext maintained over the follow-up
Conclusions: Although it is not clear the effect is a sustaining or temporary in its nature, a positive effect was observed
and further clinical and biological research on FCST is expected.
Key Words: Iron Deficiency Anemia, IDA, Yinyang Balancing Appliance, Functional cerebrospinal therapy, FCST, TMJ,
Hemoglobin, Low back pain