

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
21 자세음양 균형검사로서 Fukuda Stepping Test에 대한 문헌적 고찰 배진용, 이재민, 이경란, 이영준, 인창식 2014-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: Neurological examination on balance function is widely applied in clinical practice. Balance function may be
clinically relevant to an assessment of yinyang balance in such therapies as temporomandibular joint balancing medicine.
Fukuda stepping test is a relatively not-well-known method of balance function test. This study reviewed the procedures
and criteria of Fukuda stepping test.
Method: Recent articles on Fukuda stepping test were searched in public database (Pubmed, Proquest) and reviewed for
its procedures and clinical implications.
Results: Fukuda stepping test adopts 50 steps or 100 steps with subsequent assessment of the deviation or displacement
of the subject. It may not be reliable during acute phase.
Conclusion: Fukuda stepping test may be utilized and be further developed to assess balance function in the neurological
management of functions.
20 수면중 이갈이에 의해 발생한 턱관절 통증 환자에 대한 FCST 활용 1예 보고 엄태민, 김윤식, 설인찬, 유호룡 2014-01-01 ~ 학회지
A 27 year-old male patient with sleep bruxism-induced temporomandibular pain was managed by appliance of FCST with
3 weeks of duration, combined with acupuncture. After being treats for 3 weeks, the patient's pain was improved.
Assessment was made by self assessment (Numerical Rating Scale, NRS; Korean Oral Health Impact Profile, KOHIP)
and clinical observation. An impressive effect was observed and further clinical and biological research on FCST is
19 비약물 치료인 FCST 음양균형장치를 위주로 한 만성 운동 틱장애 치료 증례 채기헌 2014-01-01 ~ 학회지
Therapeutic effect of Yinyang Balancing Appliance of functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) for meridian and neurologic
yinyang balance was observed in chronic motor tic disorder. One chronic motor tic Disorder case was managed with the
Yinyang Balancing appliance on tempromandibular joint (TMJ), combined with acupuncture. Clinical outcome measurement
was based on subjective measures and clinical observations. The patient showed positive changes after the treatment
and this effect maintained over the follow-up period. Although it is not clear the effect is sustaining or temporary in its
nature, a positive effect was observed and further clinical and biological research on FCST is expected.
18 FCST의 음양균형장치를 활용한 원발성 월경곤란증의 증례보고 유대길, 이영준 2014-01-01 ~ 학회지
Therapeutic effect of Yinyang Balancing Appliance of functional cerebrospinal therapy (FCST) for meridian and neurologic
yinyang balance was observed in primary dysmenorrhea cases. Two primary dysmenorrhea cases were managed with
the Yinyang Balancing Appliance on temporomandibular joint (TMJ), combined with acupuncture. Clinical outcome measurement
was based on subjective measures and clinical observations. The patients showed positive changes even after
the initial treatment and this effect maintained over the follow-up period. Although it is not clear the effect is a sustaining
or temporary in its nature, a positive effect was observed and further clinical and biological research on FCST is expected.