

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
212 『상한론』 오수유탕의 임상연구 분석 변성희, 최현범, 정종길, 이숭인 2022-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : Osuyu-tang of Shanghanlun have historically been proved for clinical validity and stability in the Korean Medicine. It is necessary to review the clinical fields of application, and to review the conformity with the old texts.
Methods : As of October 20, 2022, clinical research papers on Osuyu-tang were searched in RISS, Naver, KISS, PUBMED, and Science Direct. The searched articles were classified by clinical subject, and the contents were reviewed by year.
Results : As of Oct 20, 2022, the present study looked up thirteen papers. The 13 clinical research papers could be classified into 6 chronic headaches which includes migraine, 2 digestive diseases, 5 skin diseases and 1 restless leg syndrome by subject.
Conclusion : As a result of analyzing 13 papers, clinical research achievements on the nervous system and digestive system diseases implied by the provisions in Shanghanlun were accumulating. However, case-level reports on skin diseases require more advanced esearch in the future.

Key words : Osuyu-tang, Shanghanlun, migraine, digestive diseases, skin diseases
211 『傷寒論』 陽明病 小承氣湯으로 진단된 과민 대장 증후군 환자 1례 최재영, 이숭인, 이미현, 이성준 2022-12-31 ~ 학회지
『傷寒論』 陽明病 小承氣湯으로 진단된 과민 대장 증후군 환자 1례
210 『傷寒論』 辨病 診斷體系에 근거하여 生薑瀉心湯 투여 후 호전된 피로를 주소로 하는 Post-COVID-19 Syndrome 1례 서영호 · 김상호· 황보민· 최해윤 2022-12-31 ~ 학회지
『傷寒論』 辨病 診斷體系에 근거하여 生薑瀉心湯 투여 후 호전된 피로를 주소로 하는 Post-COVID-19 Syndrome 1례
209 노인성소양증에의 傷寒論 辨病診斷體系 활용 이성준 2022-10-04 ~ 학술대회
노인성소양증에의 傷寒論 辨病診斷體系 활용