

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
82 A Literature Review on the Evidence that Hemorrhoids Were Included in the Efficacy of LU6 조은별 외 2021-12-27 ~ 학회지
Acupoint LU6 (Gongchoe) is known as an acupoint for the treatment of pain and bleeding caused by hemorrhoids.
The purpose of this study was to critically review acupoint LU6 for treating hemorrhoids. Methods : We searched both ancient and
modern literature of acupuncture and moxibustion using keywords “Gongchoe” and “hemorrhoids”. We further performed an online ancient literature search for crosscheck. The searched literature was stratified by country (Korea, China, and Japan), and data were organized chronologically. Concerning literature related to hemorrhoids, data based on acupuncture treatment were
81 A Study on the Direction of Research for Pharmacopuncture through the Analysis on the Current Status of Chinese Herbal Injections 황지혜 외 2021-12-27 ~ 학회지
This study was conducted to suggest new alternative methods to improve pharmacopuncture and Korean medicine research by analyzing the injection route, pharmacological effect, and status studies of Chinese herbal injections.
80 A Development of an Acupoints Education Table using 3D Technology and Augmented Reality 양승정 외 2021-12-27 ~ 학회지
Acupoints education is important in that it can determine the clinical competency of Korean Medicine Doctors (KMDs). Accordingly, we aimed to develop a practical simulator for acupoints education, acupoints training, acupoints practice, and acupoints evaluation.
79 Changes in Liver Function Test Results after Korean Medicine Treatment in Patients of a Korean Medicine Hospital: A Retrospective Chart Review 임민영 외 2021-12-27 ~ 학회지
This study reports changes in liver function test (LFT) after Korean Medicine treatment in patients admitted to Korean Medicine hospital with abnormal LFT. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the Korean medicine treatment and abonormal LFT to verify safety of Korean medicine treatment by analyzing index of LFT.