

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
134 두통에 대한 M&L 심리치료의 임상적 접근 최부윤 2022-04-30 ~ 학술대회
2022년 대한한방신경정신과학회 춘계학술대회
두통을 주소로 온 환자를 M&L 심리치료적 접근을 통해서 치료한 임상례를 들어 학습
133 정신과 환자의 한의의료 이용경험 및 인식에 대한 질적 분석 - 예비연구 문승환, 장보형, 서효원, 김종우, 정선용 2022-04-01 ~ 학회지
The purpose of this study was to investigate the experience and perception of using Korean medicine treatments for patients with mental disorders.
The method of a qualitative analysis was used, and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The researchers developed the survey questionnaires with consultation from psychiatrists from various university hospitals. Before conducting interviews, an IRB was approved KHSIRB-21-131 (RA), and the Hankook Research Company managed the interviews. The question composition comprised 11 questions based on symptoms and treatment situations accompanying treatment due to mental distress, perception of Korean medicine, awareness of treatment costs, and awareness of treatment costs.
A total of six patients were interviewed. Each interviewee took 90 minutes to answer questions. Through the analysis of the data, the patients comprised four categories: characteristics, awareness of Korean medicine, awareness of Western treatment, and daily life due to mental disorder. The experience and perception of patients using Korean medicine showed positive attitudes. There was an opinion among patients that Korean medicine treatment was less dependent on drugs, and had fewer side effects, than Western medicine. Some patients said that Korean medical treatment is expensive and burdensome medical expenses. Some patients were not aware of the application of insurance to mitigate medical expenses.
Based on the findings of the study, it is urgent to expand the application of insurance benefits to Korean medicine.
132 브레인스포팅의 이해와 한의학적 적용 이도은, 서주희 2022-04-01 ~ 학회지
Brainspotting is a relatively new type of brain-body psychotherapeutic approach discovered and developed by David Grand. The objective of this study was to introduce possible clinical application of Brainspotting in Korean medicine.
The background, basic tools, standard processes, and principles of Brainspotting are presented mainly in reference to “Brainspotting: The revolutionary new therapy for rapid and effective change” published by David Grand.
There are many similarities between Brainspotting and Korean medicine, such as Mind-Body holism, non-prejudiced attitude of therapist like Tao and wu-wei, and the importance of the eyes to the mind. They also share similarities in methods such as Iijungbyunqi and Qigong.
Brainspotting is expected to be applied to Korean medicine in various forms. It needs to be researched more in the future.
131 CARE 지침에 따른 2018∼2021년 동의신경정신과학회지 증례 보고의 질 평가 최성열 2022-04-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of reporting for case reports published
in Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry from year 2018 to 2021 compared with year 2013 to 2017 in
order to recommend ways to improve the quality of case reports published in the future.
Methods: To evaluate the quality of case reports identified by electronic searching in Oriental medicine
Advanced Searching Integrated System (OASIS) and by hand searching from archives on peer review
system of Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry using CAse REport (CARE) guideline. The researcher assessed the quality of reporting based on the CARE guideline as 'Sufficient', 'Not-Sufficient', ‘NotApplicable’, and 'Not-Reported' for case reports published from 2018 to 2021 in Journal of Oriental
Neuropsychiatry. In addition, it was compared with previous case reports published from 2013 to 2017.
Results: Finally, 17 case reports were included for the assessment. General quality of reporting for case
reports published from year 2018 to 2021 was improved compared with that of previous case reports
published in 2018. The maximum value (46.4%→60.7%, 14.3% increase), the minimum value (22.2%→
32.1%, 9.9% increase), and the median value (39.3%→50.0%, 10.7% increase) of the report rate evaluated as 'Sufficient' were generally improved. The maximum value (53.6%→50.0%, 3.6% decrease),
minimum value (25.9%→21.4%, 4.5% decrease), and median value (35.7%→32.1%, 3.6% decrease)
of the report rate evaluated as 'Not-Sufficient', the maximum value of the report rate evaluated as
'Not-reported' (40.7%→25.9%, 14.8% decrease), the minimum value (14.7%→10.7% decrease), and
the intermediate value (14.7% decrease) were also generally improved. Four items (8b, 8d, 10c, and 13)
were evaluated as 'Not-Reported'. These items seem to be items that need urgent improvement along
with 8c, which showed a significant decrease in reporting rate.
Conclusions: There are needs to improve the quality of case reports in Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry by comparing case reports published from year 2013 to 2017 with case reports published from year
2018 to 2021. To improve the quality of case reporting, sufficient education at the academic level
should be provided on thesis preparation methods. It is also necessary to develop a tool for evaluating
the quality of case reporting that reflects characteristics of Korean Medicine.