

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
170 인지기능별 특징과 실제2(K-DRS, MoCA) 조성훈 2023-01-14 ~ 학술대회
대한한방신경정신과학회 2022년 제4차 수련의 워크샵
치매의 선별과 경도인지장애의 선별, 그리고 치매의 정도를 평가를 위해 사용되는 평가도구의 적용과 임상적 의미를 학습
169 우울증 환자 진료를 위한 한의표준임상경로 개발 연구 권도형, 김윤나, 이승호, 조성훈 2023-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: To standardize treatment, improve quality of medical service, and reduce medical costs of patients with depression by developing a clinical pathway (CP) of Korean medicine. Methods: CP was developed based on clinical practice guideline (CPG) for depression. To consider the degree of economic burden and satisfaction, the current status of management for patients with depression was examined. After CP was primarily developed, contents of the CP were supplemented by referring to previously developed CPs. Results: Based on CPG, current status survey and previous CP, four types of CP (Korean medicine clinics, Korean medicine hospitals, Western-Korean medicine collaborative hospitals, public medical center) were developed and shown in the algorithm version. However, in the case of Korean medicine hospitals and Western-Korean medicine collaborative hospitals, CPs were detailed according to different clinical scenes of outpatients and inpatients. This study also shows six different time task matrix version. Conclusions: CP for depression is expected to not only reduce financial burden of patients and health insurance, but also increase the quality of treatment and satisfaction.
168 빅데이터를 활용한 화병, 우울증, 자살의 검색 상관관계 분석: 2016년부터 2022년까지 권찬영, 김원일 2023-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze correlations among searches of hwa-byung, depression, and suicide using big data. Methods: Keywords searches were performed using both Google Trends and Naver Data Lab on December 13, 2022. From 2016 to 2022, search results for keywords 'hwa-byung', 'depression', and 'suicide' were extracted with a score between 0 and 100 in terms of relative search popularity (RSP). Monthly time analysis, correlation analysis, and regional analysis were then conducted for these scores. Results: Regardless of the search period, RSP for both portal sites was in the order of 'suicide', 'depression', and 'hwa-byung'. Over time, search for 'depression' tended to increase in Google (slope: 0.0092), whereas search for 'hwa-byung' showed a slight increase in Naver (slope: 0.0024). Correlation coefficient for search terms 'depression' and 'suicide' was 0.3969 in Google Trends and 0.4459 in Naver Data Lab, showing clear positive correlations. On the other hand, there was little correlation between search results of 'hwa-byung' and 'depression' or between 'hwa-byung' and 'suicide'. However, compared to males, females showed higher positive associations between search results of 'hwa-byung' and 'depression' and between 'hwa-byung' and 'suicide'. Search terms 'depression' and 'suicide' showed high RSPs in most regions in South Korea. However, 'hwa-byung' had distinct regional differences in terms of RSP. Conclusions: Results of this study will help us understand Korean public's perception of the relevance of hwa-byung, depression, and suicide and plan future research in this topic. In addition, findings of this study may provide future public health implications for reducing the high suicide rate in Korea.
167 동마(東武) 이제마(李濟馬)의 사상의학(四象醫學)에 드러난 심신의학(心身醫學)적 특징 전준모, 구병수 2023-01-01 ~ 학회지
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of mind-body medicine revealed in the Sa-sang constitutional medicin. Methods: This study examined the psychosomatic aspects of "DongUiSuSeBoWon" that Lee Je-ma wrote about the Sa-sang constitutional medicine, comparing them to Neo-Confucianism and Oriental medicine. Results: Sa-sang constitutions contain much content that can be applied to mind-body medicine. Conclusions: First, the principle of disease caused by mental and physical connections was clearly suggested, as it was considered that when emotions of joy, sorrow, and pleasure reach their peak, they cause fatal damage to the body. Second, it was encouraged to prevent diseases by giving specific examples to prevent the prejudice of the methodology of looking back when it hasn't happened yet and the feeling of anger and joy before the emotions of joy and sorrow are revealed. Third, it suggested the treatment of mental and physical diseases using drugs for diseases that have already occurred and psychiatric methods.