

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
29 연구제목 : A Survey on the Complications Associated with Acupotomy in a Single Korean Medicine Clinic 연구자 : 유명석 등 연구기간 ~ 학회지
내용: 침도 치료는 그 효과에 비하여 칼 모양의 침첨으로 인하여 부작용에 대한 우려가 많이 있는 상황이다. 이에 침도 치료를 전문으로 하는 한 로컬 한의원에서 일개월동안 침도 치료를 받은 환자들을 발생한 부작용의 종류와 빈도, 위험성 등을 조사하여 침도 치료의 안전성을 입증하고자 한다.
28 3요추 횡돌기 증후군 치료에서 신장의 위치 변이에 따른 횡돌기 자침시 주의점 최성운, 강경호, 추홍민 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Background: 3rd lumbar transverse process syndrome is a common cause of low back pain and is a biomechanically important location. However, in the case of a person who intermittently has a transition in the location of the kidney, there is a risk of damaging the
kidney during the procedure.
Methods: Among patients who visited a single medical institution and who underwent 3 lumbar transverse process syndrome, we report several cases of a patient with a transi- tion in kidney position.
Results: Kindey was closely observed under the 3rd lumbar transverse process in 4 pa- tients. In particular, in the case of 2 cases confirmed by ultrasound, the distance between the 3rd lumbar transverse process and the kidney is about 2-3cm, so there may be a risk
of kidney damage during blind insertion.
Conclusion: This study proposes the need for an intermediate process that can consider the patient’s anatomical characteristics for safe needle acupuncture of the 3rd lumbar transverse process.

Keywords: Third lumbar vertebral transverse process syndrome, Lumbargo, Kindey
27 CSF 순환과 관련된 인지장애의 치료 접근법에 관하여 채효정, 이주현, 유명석 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Introduction: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulates in the subarachnoid space around the brain and spinal cord, and in the ventricles of the brain. It serves as a buffer to protect the
brain from physical and immunological damage. Since important actions such as remov-ing soluble waste from the brain occur as the CSF circulates, various diseases including
cognitive disorders can occur if CSF circulation is impaired. Therefore, it is very important to find anatomical treatment points that improve CSF circulation.
Methods: We summarized various clinical symptoms and related diseases caused by CSF circulation failure and reviewed anatomical structures that could affect CSF circulation.
Based on the reviewed data, we proposed several treatment points that can contribute to the improvement of CSF circulation.
Results: Symptoms and diseases caused by decreased CSF circulation include head- aches, sleep disorders, and Alzheimer’s disease. In particular, Alzheimer’s disease was
also related to cerebral blood flow, which was also closely related to CSF circulation. The anatomical structure associated with CSF circulation was dura mater, deep cervical
lymph nodes, meningeal lymphatic vessels, and emissary vein. The structures connected to the dura mater were also important, such as the myodural bridge (MDB) directly con-
nected to the dura mater and the soft tissues such as the suboccipital muscles and liga-ments connected to the dura mater via MDB.
Conclusion: We propose several treatment points based on anatomical structures that may affect CSF circulation. It is the soft tissues of the suboccipital site including MDB,
submucosal tissue of the nasal cavity, stylomastoid foramen, and emissary vein.

Keywords: CSF, Dementia, Acupuncture, Glymphatic pathway, MDB
26 추간공 외구와 내구 시술을 위한 기본 개념과 관련 임상연구 분석 최재훈, 추홍민, 강경호, 이주현, 유명석 2022-01 ~ 학회지
Introduction: Internal and External Orifices of Intervertebral Foramen (Naegu and Oegu) are important acupoints of acupotomy for lumbar spine diseases. They are used in adhe-
siolysis of hardened myofascial meridian. Adhesiolysis of soft tissue using acupotomy has been continuously researched abroad, but it has not been well introduced in Korea. There-
fore, we provide basic information and acupotomy guidelines about these acupoints.
Methods: We presented the surface anatomical definition and acupoint ultrasound image of Oegu and Naegu. Also, we introduced previous research about procedure guidelines
and precautions. Finally, we suggested approach guide of Oegu and Naegu.
Results: Approach of Oegu starts with inserting acupotomy needle to the root of trans-verse process (2-3 cm lateral to center of spinous process). Then, change the acupotomy
tip to the medial superior direction and enter along the lateral edge of the facet joint. At last, incise soft tissue 2-5 mm. Approach of Naegu starts with inserting acupotomy needle
to the medial side of facet joint (0.8-1 mm lateral to interspinous space). Then, incline the acupotomy tip by 10 degrees outward based on the medial edge of the facet joint. At last,
enter only 2-5 mm between ligament flavum and the back of the intervertebral foramen and make 2-3 incisions.
Conclusion: Accurate locating and needling method are very important for the treatment effect and safe procedure. We suggest using the guidelines presented by us for selecting
accurate acupotomy needling point, depth, and direction.

Keywords: Oegu, Naegu, Acupoint, Intervertebral foramen, Anatomy