

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
27 溫病의 症狀 中 斑疹에 關한 文獻的 考察 장윤정, 류상채, 김정 2009-01-01 ~ 학회지
It studies into viewpoints of 7 doctors of Wenbing studies on macula. The results concerning characteristics, remedy and prevention of macula are as follows;

Macule does not protrude on the surface of skin and does not have any color change for external stimulus, but rash out on the surface and becomes white when pushed. It becomes macule when the blood leaks beneath skin as stomach-heat of yangming enters into blood system and damages it. On the other hand, when heat enters lung meridian, penetrates beneath the skin and congeals inside the vessel, it becomes rash.

When you combine symptoms of body and pulse with numbers, color, shape and distribution status of macula, you can diagnose the depth of rash, seriousness, the possibility of treatment and prognosis of macula.

The remedy for macule consists of cooling heat of yaming, removing heat from the blood and relieving feverish rash, and the one for rash consists of facilitating meridian with aroma, expelling pathogenic factors from muscles with drugs of pungent flavor and cool nature and clearing away heat from the blood systems. It relieves the inhibited functional activities of lung-Ki, and helps extermination of rash as well as clearing heat of the vessel. Also, it is the most important to preserve resin of stomach for every treatment.

It is good to avoid expelling pathogenic factors with drugs of pungent flavor and warm nature, raising drugs and invigorating drugs during treating macula. Moreover, the patients should not over dose cold-natured drugs and purgative therapy. There are common clinical symptoms of macula in advance, so right recognition of symptoms can contribute to prevention of macula.

Keyword : Macula, Warm Factor Disease, Rash

26 동씨침을 이용한 양성 발작성 체위성 현훈환자 치험 1례 박민제, 김정욱, 김은 2007-06-01 ~ 학회지
25 D.I.T.I를 이용한 좌훈요법 전후의 체열변화양상에 대한 연구 이기승, 이기남 2007-01-01 ~ 학회지
24 근로자의 양생수준과 비만과의 관계 박정은, 유성기, 이형 2007-01-01 ~ 학회지