

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
88 플립러닝을 활용한 의료윤리학 교육에 대한 한의대생의 인식과 경험 박선주, 최은지, 김송이 2018-08-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : Recently, the interest on medical education in flipped learning has been growing. Competencybased curriculum is also required through changes in teaching methods within the Korean medicine education. In this study, flipped learning method was applied to ‘medical ethics’ class to examine the perception and experience of flipped learning from the Korean medical student’s perspectives. Methods : The study was conducted on 15 preparatory course freshmen students who took the ‘medical ethics’ course, in the second semester of the year 2017 at ‘A’ University. The study was proceded in two steps; 1) fill-in the questionnaire twice (before and after the class), and 2) in-depth interview with semi-structured questionnaire. The 1st questionnaire in the first step was consisted of ‘Experience on flipped learning before the class’, ‘Which section of the flipped learning class do participants have expectation’, ‘Interest and expectation on flipped learning’. In the 2nd questionnare, the participants were asked ‘Which section of the flipped learning section that the learning effect was maximized’, ‘Association between ‘flipped learning’ method and ‘Medical ethics’ course’ with 5-point Likert scale and frequency. Results : The results showed that flipped learning method works very effectively in the ‘medical ethics’ course (63.6%). After the flipped learning class, the participants showed positive change in a attitude of the class (72.7%). However, this teaching method might be inappropriate for participants who had difficulties in pre-learning or a passive attitude and lecture-centered instruction (LCI) classes. Conclusions : Though applying flipped learning method to the ‘Medical Ethics’ was effective, to make pre-learning better, the instructors should prepare countermeasures for passive participants, help interact well among the participants, and plan a lesson thoroughly for changing LCI classes to student-centerd instruction(SCI).
87 한의대 교과목으로서 의료윤리에 관한 고찰 이정원, 이해웅 2018-08-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : According to the data from the 2016 Yearbook of Traditional Korean Medicine, 10 out of 12 medical schools of Korean medicine are offering medical ethics. Medical ethics has become essential in Korean medicine education, but there has been no agreement on the content of education yet, so initial discussions are necessary with respect to the content and methods of education. Methods : In this study, basic data were collected by searching papers, reports, books, and media articles on medical ethics related to Korean medicine education, and by studying the website of medical schools of Korean medicine nationwide. Based on the collected data, the status of medical ethics lectures were determined and compared with the current state of medical ethics lectures by western medical schools. The contents suitable for medical ethics education at medical schools of Korean medicine were discussed. Results : The topics of the medical ethics include: the basic concepts of medical ethics, the ethics of birth, the ethics associated with genetics, the ethics associated with death, and the ethics regarding doctor-patient interaction, the ethics of medical research, medical rationing ethics, ethics between medical staffs, medical law and ethics, philosophical base of medical ethics, ethics of doctor as professional, and moral personality formation of doctor. The contents of medical ethics in traditional Korean medicine reflected views on the human body and life based on 『Huangdi’s Internal Classic』 and medical ethics from the viewpoints of Buddhism and Confucianism. Conclusions : Medical schools of Korean medicine are medical training institutions, and medical ethics education is essential to become a Korean medicine doctor as professional worker, medical practitioner, and biomedical researcher. There is no fundamental difference in the basic principles of medical ethics in both western and Korean medicine, and there are differences in contents depending on the clinical practice. The contents of medical ethics on clinical practice should be modified for Korean medicine doctors, and traditional Korean medicine ethics would be set up upon that. In the national licensing examination, medical ethics needs to be added as one part so that all the ethical problems related to the clinical situation can be solved.
86 의.한의 협진 의료이용 행태 분석 연구 김현민, 김남권, 남순호, 이혜윤 2018-08-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : This study was conducted to investigate the frequent diseases among the people who had been treated by collaborative treatment of Korean medicine and Western medicine, and to compare their medical use behaviors before and after the collaborative first-stage pilot project between Korean medicine and Western medicine. Methods : 4,467 patients were identified as the patients who are participated in the collaborative first-stage pilot project between Korean medicine and Western medicine during the period between July 15, 2016 and March 31 2017. We used 28,480 records of Korean national health insurance claim data from January 1 2016 to March 31 2017 to analyzed present condition of cooperative medical usage. Also we conducted a paired t test to compare the percentage of collaborative treatment days before and after the pilot project period. Results : We found that the most frequent diseases treated in the pilot project were the diseases of musculoskeletal and nervous system and then 10 major diseases such as H, K, J, C (D), N, L, E, A, H and F disease codes in order. Also it was confirmed that 14 major and 53 medium diseases are included from more than 90% of total patients. As a result of high frequency of medical treatment in Western medicine or Korean medicine is “administration of Korean medicine”, which is same as before and within the pilot project. The ratio of utilizing both Western and Korean medical care for the same disease on the same day by both general patients and patients in KCD-7 disease code group C, G, I, M and S had been increased significantly. Conclusions : The pilot project might change the behavior of utilizing the medical care service by increasing the ratio of collaborative treatment of Western medicine and Korean medicine for the same disease on the same day.
85 한의약 건강정보이해력 평가도구 개발을 위한 한의 진료 패턴 분석 박정수 2018-08-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : Health literacy can affect medical results. This study aimed to detect to the modify point of health literacy assessment tools. Methods : The general Korean Medicine service procedure was recorded and categorized. The participants were in- or out-patient of Korean Medical hospital. Written informed consents were obtained. Results : A total of 20 patients participated, with nine males and eleven females. The chief complaints were pain, growth, cerebral infarction sequela, dyspepsia, diarrhea, feeling of helplessness, mental stress, postpartum symptoms, and menstrual disorder. The Korean Medicine service were categorized into collecting patient information, relationship building, and treatment. Terms used in the service embraced general medical terms and Korean Medical terms. Conclusions : The Korean-medical health literacy assessment tool should incorporate western-eastern combined treatment and Korean medical terms.