

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
92 독일 자연치료사(Heilpraktiker) 제도 현황과 형성과정 박인효, 김동수 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
Background : There have been a variety of healthcare systems related to CAM practitioners developed in each country. However, the European cases have not been widely introduced in Korea so far. In the case of Germany, CAM practices have been developed in the frame of \"Heilpraktiker\" system. Objectives : The objectives of this study were to review the historical development and current situation of German Heilpraktiker system and its conflicting relationship with Western medical doctors, in order to utilize it as basic data for the conflict resolution between Western- and KM doctors in Korea. Methods : The historical development, current regulations and education system of Heilpraktiker were assessed. Research articles, reports, government publications and websites dealing with this issue were searched for and analyzed. Results : Heilpraktiker system was developed within German historical and cultural situation where naturopathic traditions were reilluminated in connection with modernization process of the state under the influence of romanticism formulating German nationalism. Between the concept of “Kurierverbot”(prohibition on medical treatment by non-physicians) and “Kurierfreiheit”(freedom of medical treatment), Heilpraktiker achieved a limited but legitimated right to conduct non-biomedical treatments from the state in the process of the formulation of modern German medical system. In this process, the conflicts between medical doctors and heilpraktikers have been also growing up to now. Conclusions : Heilpraktiker system, officially recognized with the legislation of Heilpraktiker law in 1939, stands at a crossroads between the continual development through strengthening its professionality, and abolition of the system due to its lack of quality control and medical evidence mostly argued by Western medical doctors, which has considerable implications for Korean situations in terms of the conflicting relationship between KM- and Western medical doctors. In this regard, it is necessary to discuss the debates on the concept “Kurierfreiheit”(freedom of medical treatment) developed within German tradition of medical pluralism.
91 한포진에 대한 최근 한의학적 연구 동향 - 국내 학술지를 중심으로 - 정종민, 오용택, 김경한, 이명선, 송범용, 김종욱, 육태한 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : This study was conducted to review the research trends in Korean Medicine of pompholyx based on publications in Korea. Methods : Literature published after 2000 were collected using OASIS, NDSL, KISS, and key words searched were “한포진” “발한이상” “pompholyx” “dyshidrotic eczema”. Results : 10 case reports and 4 patient studies were selected for study. Conclusions : Korean medicine treatments included acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, venesection therapy, herbal medicine, ointments and carbon arc lamp therapy. The most commonly used diagnostic method for pompholyx was inspection along with pulse diagnosis, abdominal diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, culture test, and KOH smear screening. The most frequently used treatment evaluation method was Likert scale while VAS(Visual Analog Scale) and Visual
90 금냉법(金冷法)에 대한 고찰 - 중국 논문을 중심으로 - 박해모 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : ‘Geumnaeng method\'’ is a well-known folk remedy, but It has not been studied in academia. This study was conducted to review the chinese published articles on Geumnaeg method (Jinleng method) of Chinese traditional medicine. Methods : The author searched Chinese published papers from 2000 to 2018 via CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure) database by using keyword ‘Jinleng’, ‘Jinleng method’, and analyzed the papers covered Jinleng method health preservation, and classified them including periods, type of study, target symptoms, and comparison between countries. Results : 17 studies were reviewed. The study of Jinleng method in China began in 2005. 8 articles (47.1%) were review articles, 4 articles (23.5%) of the case report and case series, and 5 articles (29.4%) were clinical studies. Clinical studies have increased since 2008. Most of the studies related to genital disorders and sexual function were mainly performed. There were differences between Japan, Korea and China in Jinleng method. Conclusions : Various disease and symptoms was researched with Jinleng method in China. Research in China is more active than other country. We need to increase the level of evidence of Jinleng method’s effectiveness through additional studies in the future.
89 Development of questionnaire for metabolic disease with blood stasis: A Delphi survey 장수빈, 강병갑, 강미미, 정지연 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate expert opinions on the questions contained in a questionnaire for diagnosing blood stasis accompanying metabolic disorders. Methods : Two rounds of Delphi survey were conducted online targeting on one hundred Korean medicine doctors. Respondents rated the appropriateness of the 30 questions in diagnosing metabolic disorder on a five-point scale, anchored at ‘5 = very appropriate’, ‘4 = appropriate’, ‘3 = somewhat appropriate’, ‘2 = inappropriate’, and ‘1 = very inappropriate’. Results : The mean score on 30 questions of first and second Delphi survey was 3.26 points and 3.31 points, respectively. The ranking of the top 10 questions that were rated as appropriate for diagnosing blood stasis accompanying metabolic disorder were ‘sublingual varices’, ‘reddish black tongue’, ‘reddish black gum’, ‘reddish black lips’, ‘‘dark purple palatal mucosa and venous edema’, ‘night pain, ‘ecchymosis of the tongue’, ‘piercing pain’, ‘ecchymosis of the skin’ and ‘prolonged numbness’. Conclusions : The experts agreed that three of the most typical symptoms of blood stasis and the conditions of capillary vessels in the tongue or the oral cavity were highly associated with metabolic disorder, whereas the questions related to abdominal pain lacked an association with metabolic disorders.