

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
96 건강보험 시범사업 기관에 내원한 요통환자에 대한 추나요법 유효성 평가 연구 류지선, 김동수, 신병철, 임병묵 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
Backgrounds : In 2017, National Health Insurance implemented the pilot insuring project for Chuna manual therapy(CMT). 65 Korean Medicine(KM) hospitals and clinics were selected in the project to monitor the provision of insured CMT. Objectives : This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of CMT for low back pain provided in the real world setting. Methods : Patients with low back pain who agreed to participated in the study were enrolled and requested to complete questionnaires. Patients who received CMT regardless of receiving other KM therapies were classified to Chuna group, and patient who received KM therapies without CMT to KM group. Pain(pain-VAS) and back function(KODI, Oswestry disability index-Korean version), quality of life were assessed at baseline, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks. Additionally, patients who received CMT twice and more, and who’s pain-VAS 20 and over were included, and patients who used pain injection were excluded in the analysis. Results : Of 371 patients who completed all questionnaire (mean age=42.6years, SD=12.45; 61% female), 96 were excluded, 170 were in Chuna group, and 105 were in KM group. Proportions of patients who had low back pain for more than twelve weeks in the Chuna group and KM group were 57.7% and 24.8%, respectively. Pain and back function were significantly improved on 4weeks and 8weeks in both groups, but there was no difference between two groups. For the patients in the sub-acute and chronic stage(>=12 weeks), change of total KODI scores in the Chuna group was higher than KM group(p=0.013) at 4weeks. Conclusions : CMT with other KM therapies can improve back function in the sub-acute and chronic patients. For insurance policy decision, economic evaluation of CMT is needed.
95 약물역학분야의 한약연구동향 우연주 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
The aim of this study is to investigate the current research trend of herbal medicine based on the published articles in pharmacoepidemiologic journals. Methods : A total of 3 electronic journals, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety(PDS), Drug Safety and Journal of Pharmacoepidemiology and Risk Management(JPERM) from January 2013 to August 2018 were used for searching articles about herbal medicine. Selected articles were reviewed and classified under 5 categories-collection of adverse events in herbal medicine, statistical modeling and methodology, pharmacoepidemiologic outcome study, drug utilization review(DUR), risk management system and regulation. Results : A total of 8 articles were finally included for analysis. 2 articles were categorized in collection of adverse events in herbal medicine, 1 was statistical modeling and methodology, 2 were pharmacoepidemiologic outcome study and 3 were risk management system and regulation. There was no article in DUR. And then pharmacoepidemiologic research trends of herbal medicine were summarized in classification of 5 categories. Conclusions : To sum up with these 8 articles of herbal medicine in pharmacoepidemiologic journals, herbal medicine was of interesting concern among researchers. The need for research on safety and risk management of herbal medicine is steadily increasing, pharmacoepidemiologic research about herbal medicine must be activated in Korea.
94 한의대생의 생활양식 연구 ? 음주양태와 섭식태도를 중심으로 고호연, 이재혁 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the lifestyle of korean medicine students based on their drinking patterns and eating attitudes. Methods : The survey was conducted on 101 korean medicine students to investigate their psychological characteristics. They were asked to complete Self-Administered Alcoholism Screening Test, Eating Attitude Test, and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2. Results : A total of 101 Korean medical students participated in the study. Non-drinker 19, drinker were 82. Unlikely to, possible and potential alcoholism 79(78.2%), 17(16.8%) and 5(5%) respectively. The mean and standard deviation of SAAST in the subjects were 3.88 ± 3.33 and the EAT score was 8.09 ± 8.693. There was a significant difference in the MMPI-2 items between non-drinker and drinker. The SAAST had an effect on the EAT score(β=0.319). Conclusions : As a result of MMPI-2 test, in the potential alcoholism group, scale D, Mf, Si, INTR, TPA, SOD, Mt and GF were shown higher, and AAS and GM were shown lower than the normal group. In the bad eating attitude group, scale Hy, RC4, DISC and AA were shown higher than the good eating attitude group.
93 한약제제 보험급여 확대 및 활성화 방안에 대한 한의사 인식도 조사 주용준 등 2018-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate the Korean medicine doctor’s perception of the extension and activation of herbal medicine preparations insurance benefits. Methods : The sample of Korean medicine doctors’ panel pool which is extracted by examining the square root quota of city location of Korean medicine clinics was used. In case of a vacancy in some participants, the number of Korean medicine doctors were supplemented and placed for investigation. Results : It has 54.0% awareness of the separation of prescribing and dispensing herbal preparations, 87.0% agreed on the need to be insured, but the separation as a necessary condition for being insured was only 60.3% agreed. When a large number of herbal preparations are being insured, it was expected that 30% to 50% of patients(30.3%) will be prescribed herbal preparations and the number of new patients will increase by 5 to 15 for the purpose of prescriptions only(49.3%). Increase amount of medical expense(?3,000) as a result of the separation of prescribing and dispensing herbal preparations are insufficient(54.3%). Conclusions : From the results of this study, extension of national health insurance to cover herbal preparations must be needed to activate herbal medicine preparations and improve Korean medical services.