

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
116 뇌성마비 아동의 한방의료 이용행태 ? 근거이론에 의한 질적연구 이현주, 김부영, 윤영주 2019-08-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to identify factors that affect the utilization of Korean medicine (KM) among children with cerebral palsy (CP) and explore a processing model of decision-making by their parents. Methods : We conducted an individual in-depth interview with 21 mothers of children with CP who were recruited during the observational study. A grounded theory of Strauss and Corbin was used for qualitative analysis. Thus, collected data were classified into open coding including 121 concepts, 27 sub-categories and 7 categories. Results : The central phenomenon of the process of using KM for children with CP is ‘KM as an optional treatment not essential’. Therefore there are many obstacles to starting KM treatment and it is easily interrupted for various reasons, unlike general rehabilitation treatment. However, if the patient experiences the therapeutic effect, the parents want to continue KM treatment. They try to provide treatment as much as possible if they can afford it. The parents give priority to general rehabilitation treatment and value the information and experience provided by the caregivers in similar situation as well as expert opinions. Conclusions : To expand and generalize KM treatment for children with CP, efforts to change interventional conditions such as treatment effect, treatment cost, treatment compliance, and convenience of treatment based on the understanding of the strategy used by the parents in KM utilization.
115 노인암 생존자의 삶의 질 관련요인 분석 : 2006-2016 고령화패널 조사 자료 활용 장혜경, 박양춘, 박소정 2019-08-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to explore factors related quality of life among cancer survivor in order to identify strategies for cancer survivors to go back to normal life and carry on stable and high quality life. Methods : This study used the 1st to 6th data of Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging(KLoSA). The sample of this study consisted of 118 cancer survivors, all of whom were diagnosed with cancer for more than 10 years later in 2016. Results : Regression analysis of major factors related to the quality of life of elderly cancer survivors showed that the results of 2006 and 2016 were different. In 2006, factors related to cancer were highly correlated with quality of life, but in 2016, it was associated with pain and depression. Conclusions : The results of this study confirm that the factors related to quality of life in cancer survivors change with survival period. Therefore, this study suggests comprehensive care strategies based on the stage of survivorship.
114 건강보험 추나요법 급여 시범사업 참여 환자들의 만족도 조사 김승현, 류지선, 이경민, 권병조, 임병묵 2019-08-31 ~ 학회지
Backgrounds : In 2017, National Health Insurance implemented the pilot coverage program for Chuna manual therapy(CMT). 65 Korean Medicine(KM) hospitals and clinics were selected in the program to monitor the effectiveness and patients’ satisfaction of insured CMT. Objectives : This study aimed to evaluate patients’ satisfaction of CMT in the pilot coverage program of National Health Insurance. Methods : Survey participants were recruited among the patients who used CMT at the designated organizations. On-line questionnaire link was sent to the smart phones of patients who agreed to participate in the survey and provide personal contact information. The questionnaire consisted of the basic charactersitics of respondents, imformation on using CMT satisfaction with CMT and willingness to recommend CMT to others. The answers that were automatically coded and saved were statistically analyzed. Results : Of 386 participants who completed the questionnaire, 92.8% satisfied or strongly satisfied with the CMT. Most frequent reason of satisfaction was ‘Good effectiveness’, and there was no difference in satisfaction between patients of hospital and those of clinics. Patients with the highest and the lowest level of pain satisfied more than those with other pain levels(p=0.003), but the level of copayment and reasons of CMT use did not affect the satisfaction results(p=0.405). The proportions of respondents who had willingness to recommend CMT to others and to revisit for CMT use were 97.8% and 98.8%, respectively. Conclusions : Most patients were satisfied with CMT in the pilot coverage program, and it can provide the rationale for expanding the insurance coverage of CMT to all KM hospitals and clinics.
113 노인암 생존자의 삶의 질 관련요인 분석 : 2006-2016 고령화패널 조사 자료 활용 장혜경, 박양춘, 박소정 2019-08-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to explore factors related quality of life among cancer survivor in order to identify strategies for cancer survivors to go back to normal life and carry on stable and high quality life. Methods : This study used the 1st to 6th data of Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging(KLoSA). The sample of this study consisted of 118 cancer survivors, all of whom were diagnosed with cancer for more than 10 years later in 2016. Results : Regression analysis of major factors related to the quality of life of elderly cancer survivors showed that the results of 2006 and 2016 were different. In 2006, factors related to cancer were highly correlated with quality of life, but in 2016, it was associated with pain and depression. Conclusions : The results of this study confirm that the factors related to quality of life in cancer survivors change with survival period. Therefore, this study suggests comprehensive care strategies based on the stage of survivorship.