

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
132 『조선왕조실록』에 나타난 양생법 고찰 남정현, 이재우, 이상재 2020-04-30 ~ 학회지
Objective : The purpose of this study was to analyze the frequency and contents of each ‘Yangseng(養生)’ category appeared in 『The Annals of Joseon Dynasty』, based on the Yangseng-related terms used in the records. Method : We selected 11 terms with the same meaning as ‘Yangseng(養生)’ and searched each of them on the website of the Annals of Joseon Dynasty online search service. Among the total of 679 records, 343 were classified into five categories: ‘Mind Yangseng(精神養生)’, ‘Food Yangseng(飮食養生)’, ‘Doin-angyo(導引 按?)’, ‘Lifestyle Yangseng(生活養生)’, and ‘Herb Yangseng(藥草養生)’. The contents and characteristics of each Yangseng category appeared in the 『The Annals of Joseon Dynasty』 were studied. Results : The term ‘Jo-seop(調攝)’ was most frequently used in the same meaning as Yangseng(養生), followed by ‘Jo-ri(調理)’, ‘Jo-ho(調護)’, ‘Jo-yang(調養)’, and ‘Seop-yang(攝養)’. The frequency of records categorized into specific Yangseng methods(養生法) was in the order of ‘Lifestyle Yangseng’, ‘Mind Yangseng’, ‘Food Yangseng’, ‘Herb Yangseng’ and ‘Doin-angyo(導引按?)’. The contents of ‘Mind Yangseng’ included ‘control of emotions and thoughts’, ‘control of self-interest’, ‘emphasis on the cultivation of mind’, and ‘avoidance of stress’. The contents of ‘Food Yangseng’ were related to the amount of food intake and types of food. The contents of ‘Lifestyle Yangseng’ were related to ‘work-rest balance(勞逸)’, ‘seasons(季節)’, ‘residence(居處)’, ‘bath(沐浴)’, ‘sexual life’, ‘sleep’, and ‘clothing’. The frequency of ‘work-rest balance(勞逸)’ was among the highest. Conclusion : Emphasis on mental health and work-rest balance appeared in 『The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty』 can have significant implications on people of today.
131 산조인탕치료가 여성갱년기 수면장애에 미치는 효과 : 체계적 문헌고찰 및 메타분석 전지희, 최태영, 이명수, 송은혜, Lin Ang, 박선주 2020-04-30 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The purpose of this systematic review was to investigate the efficacy and safety of Sanjointang (Suanzaoren decoction, SZRD) for insomnia in menopausal syndromes. Method : We searched the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Science and Technique Journals Database (VIP), Wanfang, Research Information Service System (RISS), OASIS, Korean studies Information Service System (KISS), and National Digital Science Library (NDSL) databases. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-RCTs that used SZRD for women in menopause were included. The methodological quality of each RCT was assessed using the risk of bias tool. Results : In total, nine RCTs were finally included. The included RCTs had a high risk of bias across their domains. Three RCTs examined the effects of SZRD compared with western medicine (WM) in insomnia. Three RCTs showed favorable effects of SZRD with insomnia. Infrastructure also showed that SZRD resulted in better clinical WM (RR 1.19, 95% CI 1.07 to 1.32, P=0.001, I2=0%). Four RCTs showed favorable effects of Modified SZRD with insomnia. Infrastructure also showed that Modified SZRD resulted in better clinical WM (RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.23, P=0.004, I2=0%). Among the 4 RCTs, three RCTs showed an equivalent effect on the total Pittsburh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The meta-analysis also showed that Modified SZRD had a superior effect on the total of PSQI (total of PSQI : MD -2.55, 95% CI -3.72 to -1.37, P<0.0001, I2=85%). Only 2 trials reported adverse events and none reported severe adverse events. Conclusion : SZRD appears to be safe, but there is insufficient evidence to make a definitive conclusion because only a few studies reported adverse events. Due to the poor methodological quality of the included studies and the small number of trials included, the evidence cannot be reproduced and assessed. Welldesigned RCTs with a larger sample size are needed in the future.
130 한의대생의 A형 행동유형과 생활 양식 및 심리 특성과의 관계 연구 권오현, 이재혁 2019-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : To determine the relationship between Type A Behavior Pattern and lifestyle and psychological characteristics of Korean medical students. Methods : The Type A Behavior Pattern in 73 Korean medical students was measured. Questionnaires were conducted on lifestyle and mental characteristics. Results : In the PSQI, ISI, S-Scale, BEPSI-K, PWI-SF, CES-D, BDI, STAI-X-1, STAI-X-2, K-RTA, PWI-SF and PSS surveys, The score of Type A Behavior Pattern was significantly higher than that of Type B Behavior Pattern. Otherwise, in SES, WHOQOL-BREF(Physical, Psychological) and SWLS surveys, The score of Type A Behavior Pattern was significantly lower than that of Type B Behavior Pattern. Conclusions : Lifestyle and psychological characteristics of Korean medical students are correlated with Type A Behavior Pattern. Therefore, Type A Behavior Pattern could be used an indicator reflecting various properties of Korean medical students.
129 국내 자생 약용식물의 식용부위와 조리방법에 대한 문헌 고찰 김민지, 이상재 2019-12-31 ~ 학회지
Objectives : The aim of the research is to study the edible parts and cooking methods for the Korean medicinal plants using documents of Japanese occupation era. Through this study, we expect that it will be used as a basis data on further Korean traditional edible herb. Methods : The research analyze the usage of 74 species of medicinal plants that are listed in the 『Wild Food Plants of Chosen(Korea)』 along with analyzing 8 extra documents about famine relief plants and cooking method written during Japanese occupation. Results : The result shows that the sprouts and buds are the most popular for the edible purposes but they are never used for medical reason. Roots and fruits take the highest percentage when it comes to medical purposes. Types of medicinal plants that were used a lot of cooking methods were side dishes such as ‘Namul, Saengchae, Jangajji’. Conclusions : Using medicinal plants for edible and medical purposes were traditionally familiar with Korean culture but the changes provoked by industrialization forbid the knowledge to pass through. However, recently, the trend of having a healthy life interests people to backtrack this traditional way of using medicinal plants with new purposes. To inherit traditional knowledge and for the future development of Korean traditional ingredients, further research should be conducted.