

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
412 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Berraaouan Ali 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
Chemical Composition of Cactus Pear Seed Oil: phenolics identification and antioxidant activity
411 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Mahshid Ghanbari 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
Artemisia annua L. Extracts Improved Insulin Resistance via Changing Adiponectin, Leptin and Resistin Production in HFD/STZ Diabetic Mice
410 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Da-young An 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
A Severe Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Patient Treated with Integrative Korean Medicine Including Acupuncture, Bee Venom Pharmacopuncture and Herbal Medicine: a case report
409 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Siukan Law 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
Is the Traditional Chinese Herb “Bombax Malabaricum” a Natural Anticancer Medicine?