

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
416 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Sogand Vahidi 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
Performance of DNA Methylation on the Molecular Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori in Gastric Cancer; targeted therapy approach
415 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Rafika Sari 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
The Highest Dosage Combination Activity Screening from the Leaf Fraction of Melastoma malabathricum with Antibiotic Gentamicin and Ciprofloxacin
414 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Fateme Sadat Najib 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
Does Vitex Agnus-Castus L. Have Deleterious Effect on Fertility and Pregnancy Outcome? An Experimental Study on Rats for Prediction of Its Safety
413 Journal of Pharmacouncture (Vol 25, No.2) Nilofar Norouznejad 2022-06-30 ~ 학회지
Purification of Therapeutic Serums of Snake Anti-Venom with Caprylic Acid