

번호 연구제목 연구자 연구기간 발표실적
23 링닥터 의무기록을 활용한 종합격투기 상해 분석 박지훈 2017-12-01 ~ 학회지
Through retrospectively reports review, injury incidence rate per 100 athlete-exposures was 9.3. The most commonly stoppage
means was judgment, followed by submission, knockout/ technical knockout in 1229 MMA matches. Epistaxis, head contusion, facial
laceration, elbow sprain, groin low blow were the most frequent in this study of 237 injuries. Cause of doctor-stop was mainly
epistaxis and facial laceration. Frequent incidence of fracture was at orbit region and nasal bone, Frequent incidence of dislocation
was at shoulder and elbow joint.
22 소부혈(HT8) 호침 자극과 자연복식호흡이 정신적 스트레스를 오정호 외 2017-12-01 ~ 학회지
From this study, In the case of normal adults with mental stress, there was no statistical significance in the first analysis of the
three groups. It seems to be the reason that did not consider differences in stress sensitivity among individuals. So the author
analyzed again who were increased the norm LF values after the stress test. As a result, the degree of HRV change after each
treatment was different but there was no statistical significance. It seems because the number of subjects is not enough and
each person has different degree in stress sensitivity. Therefore, it is required to additional studies that considered the stress
sensitivity and add stress evaluation methods.
21 추나요법 병행치료를 통한 미만성 특발성 골격 과골증 윤덕원 외 2017-12-01 ~ 학회지
Cotreatment with Chuna Manual Therapy can be effective treatment for a patient with Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis.
Further clinical studies are needed to verify the findings.
20 프로배구선수의 사상체질과 체력요인의 상관성 분석 최윤영 외 2017-12-01 ~ 학회지
1. As a result of Sasang constitution classification, the subjects were composed of 5 Taeeumin group, 5 Soyangin group and 4
Soeumin group.
2. Total work of isokinetic muscle strength on left knee joint(180°/sec) extension was significantly higher with Taeumin and Soeumin
than with Soyangin(p<.05).
3. A negative correlation was observed between the body fat mass and total cardiopulmonary endurance exercise time in Soeumin(p<.05).
4. Positive correlations were observed in Soeumin between skeletal muscle mass and peak torque of 60°/sec left shoulder joint
external rotation(p<.05), total work of 180°/sec right shoulder joint internal rotation(p<.05).
5. A positive correlation was observed between skeletal muscle mass and peak torque of 60°/sec right knee joint flexion in
Soyangin(p<.001). A Negative correlation was observed between skeletal muscle mass and total work of 180°/sec left knee
joint flexion in Soeumin(p<.05).